I wish I had taken better care of myself until I got ill! Sound familiar? Now’s the time to improve immunity, while the colds and flus are lingering around, waiting to attack your immune system and take you down with the others. As an alternative to drugs, I start with natural remedies, and this includes meals. Food is medicine, after all.

Did you know?

Plants contain powerful antioxidants that destroy germs, fight off free radicals that break down cells, and boost our immune system. Start with these 10 tips and easy-to-find foods which you can incorporate into foods every day to get a jump start on your wellbeing and be armed for this coming cold and flu season.

  • Cut the chemicals. I’m talking about smoking, drugs and alcohol. These deplete your antioxidants -aka natural defenses- and make you more at risk for getting sick.
  • Up the vitamin C. You probably already know this one. What you may not know is that vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and you need to take it daily since you lose it through perspiration and urination. You will find it in citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, leafy greens, papaya and berries.
  • Oil of Oregano. The oil comes from oregano (obviously) but the plant is truly a member of the mint family. The phenols, or chemical compounds found in oregano oil, can kill Candida albicans, E. coli, and Giardia, while another of it’s components really boosts the immune system and helps to protect against further damage.
  • Exercise. This helps move lymph, letting it circulate throughout your body, get processed by your liver, and then excess toxins are excreted. Perspiration also allows the release of endorphins and toxins!
  • Garlic. A celebrity that fosters the natural killer cells in the body to help fight off disease. Garlic works best when you crush a raw clove and let it sit for a moment to release it is allicin enzyme (through some different reactions), and that is where all the magic occurs.
  • Say no to sugar. Sugar suppresses your immune system by shutting down the cells that fight germs. Have some healthy snack choices always available and read the nutrition facts label to find the origin of the sugar in your food.
  • Protein. A deficiency in protein may result in decreased immune function, finishing in disease. Protein is also important when recovering from illness, to build back up and repair the body. This implies animal or vegetarian protein. Just make certain you are mixing your plant-based proteins to create complete proteins. Contact a Nutritionist if you want to find out more about creating a balanced meal plan.
  • Get your Zzzz’s. And you say to yourself,”Obviously I’m sick. I’ve been going like mad and I’m rundown”. Sleep is an important time to allow the body and mind rest, recuperate and reset. High cortisol levels lead to no sleep, and lack of sleep may be taxing on your nervous system and suppress your immune system. Create a sleep pattern where displays are off at a good hour, the area is dim, and get at least 7 hours sleep every night.
  • Phytonutrients. Nutrients found in plants which have antioxidant properties, help to fight off illness and disease. These can easily be obtained through vibrant vegetables, fruits (consume the rainbow), dark leafy greens, beans, green tea, even dark chocolate!
  •  Fibre. The trick to health. Fibre binds to toxins and excess hormones to help excrete them, and reduces inflammation in the body. Aim for about 25g fiber every day through veggies, fruit, whole grains, seeds and nuts.


So, you have the self care tools to defend yourself from this year’s bugs. Set your mind to illness isn’t feasible, eat more crops, rely on character. She’s your back.