If you’re a practitioner of holistic health, or are new to the clinic, or simply prefer living a healthy lifestyle, then you have to make room for cinnamon and honey in your regular diet. It’s full of health benefits which will slowly begin becoming visible to you. Plus, it is going to be a tasty addition to your diet as the blend of cinnamon and honey is really delicious.


Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibb (science of herbs and medications in the Eastern states, Unani Medicine and ayurvedic medicine greatly rely upon this tea to improving their health. Let us learn more about the awesome advantages of drinking cinnamon tea regularly and why this healthy tea has to be a part of your holistic regimen. Drinking a cup full of lukewarm cinnamon and honey once daily helps lower your chance of getting cardiovascular diseases, especially those pertinent to clogged blood vessels. Moreover, this strong combo has sufficient capacity to kick off the elevated bad cholesterol levels in the body.

With less bad cholesterol drifting within your body, your probability of becoming victimized by heart ailments naturally decreases. Therefore, be certain that you drink this tea every day. To make the tea, place about two teaspoons of cinnamon in about one and half cup water and bring this mixture to boil. Add about one teaspoon full of organic honey.

Sip and enjoy

It’s important that a nutritious diet and exercise is part of your regular for gaining more from the cinnamon and honey mix. According to several research studies conducted by medical institutes and journals, it may be safely said that honey helps fight bacterial disease. Pair it with cinnamon that’s already famous for its anti inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, and you’ll find a excellent concoction. Hence, drinking soda and cinnamon tea protects your immune system against internal and external bacterial infections.

Honey and cinnamon have been associated with weight loss since a very long time. This anecdotal claim was backed by many studies also. This proves that the combination of both of these ingredients does suppress your unnecessary food cravings. Plus, if taken frequently before breakfast, it can help you get rid of a few pounds over four weeks provided you avoid eating foods rich in calories and processed sugars. To benefit from the weight loss benefits of honey and cinnamon, prepare the tea according to the directions given above and drink it about 30 minutes before having your breakfast.


It is one debilitating condition. Your limbs and joint pain terribly once you become a victim of arthritis. To cure your condition holistically, you should take the aid of honey and cinnamon tea. One tablespoon of good excellent manuka or raw honey and one teaspoon of pure Ceylon cinnamon blended in 1 mug of boil water is excellent for managing your arthritis pain and issues. A research conducted by the Copenhagen University analyzed the effects of cinnamon and honey to 200 arthritis patients.

Within a week, it had been observed that a staggering 73 participants felt a massive improvement in their arthritis symptoms. So, go on try this concoction and eliminate the terrible joint pains. If you’ve been suffering from bacterial cystitis and bacterial infections as a long time, but have not been able to successfully solve this condition, then you might find relief from cinnamon and honey . The therapeutic and anti-microbial characteristics of the food will wash all kinds of infections from the bladder and keep it healthy. Each one of us encounters gas and stomach issues at some stage in our lives. Often, these problems often accompany us for a long while and disturb our life.


To ensure that your gut and digestive processes stay healthy, you should drink a couple of cups of warm honey and cinnamon mix daily. It cleanses your colon of all of the hazardous toxins, helps good bacteria flourish in the colon, smoothens the digestion process and treats all signs of acid reflux, bloating and gas. Besides improving your life with these advantages, honey and cinnamon tea treats tooth decay, gingivitis, bad breath, frequent cold, skin infections, hair loss, fatigue and enhances your ordinary lifespan. When these problems become removed from your life, it’s likely to become calm, happy and harmonious. So, if you would like to live a holistic lifestyle and make your body feel calm, it’s best that you incorporate the remarkable honey and cinnamon tea into your diet.