For over 60 million years, Vitamin D’s capacity to destroy microorganisms and fortify your immune system has been conserved in the genome in animals ranging from individuals to squirrel monkeys and baboons. Now, when it appears we could all use an extra hit of sunlight vitamin, it’s shown to be much more significant than we may have anticipated in waging a war on seasonal influenza including this season’s rather overblown H1N1.
A study published two weeks ago from Oregon State University points to a little known (at least most people) benefits of Vitamin D, which is truly a sort of hormone that circulates in the bloodstream and is clinically generated as a consequence of exposure to sunlight. It’s the presence of Vitamin D which enables the immune system to “turn on” in response to microbial attacks. Vitamin D also helps the body to stop what is known as the adaptive immune response from over-reacting and in doing so reduces the possibility of inflammation.
For someone suffering from the flu, this inflammation could be expressed as something as dangerous as bacterial pneumonia, a disease of the lungs. Studies have demonstrated that Vitamin D may support our immune systems and help prevent flu, but nobody is getting out that news to people. Instead our authorities are busy pushing all of the flu shots they purchased from their friends in the pharmaceutical sector – much better that they purchase chemical shots, than educate people about what our bodies are perfectly made to perform naturally!
Besides powering up our immune system’s capacity to react to vitamin D is already known for its ability to tackle some varieties of seasonal depression, improve kidney function and encourage people with diabetes. Personally, I find its capacity to counter balance our immune reaction that makes inflammation to be especially interesting – similar to the function that anti-oxidants like glutathione play in fighting inflammation and contributing to pain relief.
The human body is an excellent machine, with more vibrant small bells and whistles built into it than an iPhone. Unfortunately, it requires a whole lot of effort to cut through the pharmaceutical and government propaganda which points to what they’ve decided is our only path to great health – drugs, drugs and more drugs. Before you routinely slather on the SPF skincare products each single time you go out into sunlight, consider the advantages of a couple of minutes of actual exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and kick your immune reactions up a notch or two. If you’re uncomfortable with this idea any more (that is actually a shame) then look to other sources of vitamin D such as marine omega-3 oils and Vitamin D Dietary Supplements.