A diet to fortify your immune system ought to be done all of the time if you would like to stop getting sick. Your body is an extraordinary machine that kills viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. But it can not do so without your help so here are a few pointers that will assist you strengthen your immunity.
- Start your day right. Vitamin C is one of the best nutrients to your immune system. It increases your body’s production of antibodies and white blood cells which fight infection. It raises the amount of natural interferon, that’s the antibody that coats cells and prevents virus from entering. It increases your cholesterol and helps prevent plaque build-up from the arteries. But waiting until you get ill is not enough. This is definitely one vitamin you need to get loads of, because it can help you avoid getting a cold or influenza. It takes a while for your body to get these effects. To get enough in your diet on a regular basis, start your day with an orange or grapefruit. Make certain to eat berries and other fruits and vegetables during the day. If you absolutely have to supplement, 200 mg per day should be sufficient. This could be equivalent to approximately six servings of vegetables and fruit per day.
- Eat steel-cut oats, as in oatmeal for breakfast. The kind of fiber found in this cereal comprises beta-glucans which triggers your killer cells. The steel-cut oats take more time to cook than the quick-cook type, but it’s twice the amount of the nutrient.
- Top your lunch sandwich or salad with loads of tomatoes. Besides being high in vitamin C, they’re an antioxidant with enormous cancer fighting powers. In studies, people who ate a diet rich in tomatoes compared to a diet with no berries had less free-radical damage to their infection-fighting white blood cells.
- Add five cups of chamomile tea per day to your diet. Studies have recently shown that people drinking this amount of tea for 2 weeks had more polyphenols in their blood. These plant chemicals are phytonutrients, which raises your body’s bacteria-fighting ability. Additionally, this tea is well regarded as a sedative and nerve relaxant. This is beneficial because your body does most of its healing and fixing as you’re asleep.
- Eat fats which contain loads of zinc. These foods include dark meat poultry, turkey, beef and even crab. Zinc raises your body’s T-cell count, which are a kind of cell that fights infections. It helps all of your white cells, or immune cells, to release more toxins and increases the production of several more. Additionally, it causes them to operate more aggressively. However, don’t rely on supplements. Overdoing it on zinc can suppress your immune system. Instead, eat the foods that contain natural zinc.
- Add fresh garlic into as many foods as possible. Add it to soups, sauces, or fresh vegetable juice if you create it. It stimulates production of your natural killer cells also increases antibody production. It’s well-known as a powerful antioxidant that fights cancer, among other things. It protects your heart by stopping platelets from sticking together which can clog blood vessels. This is beneficial in preventing heart attacks.
- Spice it up. Use plenty of chili peppers, onions, radishes, cayenne pepper and garlic in your everyday dishes. These include “mucolytics,” which really thin mucus, which makes it much easier to clean from the sinuses and chest. This is a natural expectorant with no side effects of drugs.