That’s how many times the typical American baby gets vaccinated. Children in the uk are somewhat better off. They get vaccinated just 25 times at this tender age. And to be sure you’re well and truly on the vaccination trail early , it’s mandatory for infants to get two or three distinct antigens pumped in their immature immune systems almost immediately after arrival, a number of them cocktails of more than 1 vaccine.


The best part for Big Pharma is that a large part of these vaccinations are backed by legislation. Children that aren’t vaccinated according to the CDC’s schedule can’t enter or remain within the formal education system. As though this arm-twisting weren’t enough, entire populations all over the world are brainwashed into thinking that they or their kids will contract lifelong ailments if they don’t get vaccinated. And do not we all want the best for our kids? For several decades, leading scientists and physicians have vehemently promoted the concept that immunization of children is critical to protect them from contracting diseases like diphtheria, smallpox, polio, cholera, typhoid and malaria.

Yet evidence is mounting, demonstrating that immunization might not only be unnecessary but harmful. Pouring deadly chemicals to a lake does not make it resistant to pollutants. Likewise, injecting the dwell poisons inside vaccines into the blood of children barely gives future generations an opportunity to lead genuinely healthy lives. Children are most vulnerable because their immune systems are almost defenseless against the toxins in the vaccines. They’ve a lot going against them because their mothers don’t pass on immunity through breast milk since they were vaccinated and no more make sure antibodies.


The simple fact is that the human immune system was designed to protect us from deadly ailments but the key here is natural immunity. Vaccines, on the other hand, use synthetic chemicals to construct artificial immunity. They work on the premise that natural immunity isn’t good enough. But could nature have made such a vital error as to make us dependant on injecting overseas, toxic material to our blood once we have an immune system so intricate and highly developed that countless sophisticated computers couldn’t imitate its performance? This is quite unlikely.

It’s difficult to believe then that these compounds, which contain animal DNA, pieces of weakened viruses, embalming fluid, mercury and other harmful things are our modern-day life-savers. It’s equally surprising that vaccines, which cause serious reactions and have debilitating effects on our health, are supposed to stave off invading pathogens, many of which our bodies are made to cope with naturally or are really helping us to recover from a critical illness like cancer.

But Why?

One of the principal reasons vaccines are so harmful is that they have never been tested for safety on human beings; they are only tested on animals. Vaccines can’t be proven safe till they are given to human beings for the first time. But this could turn them into human’guinea pigs’ and it’s impossible to predict what responses they will have. This is the threat all people receiving vaccines need to take. Some will die, others will live but become sick decades later, and lots of others are going to live without serious long-term effects.

But because all vaccines are made to cause the disease they are supposed to stop (to establish immunity), a really safe vaccine is one that isn’t effective! Under normal conditions, all eaten foods, drinks, etc need to pass through the mucous membranes, the intestinal walls and the liver before they are allowed into such crucial areas as the blood, the heart and the mind. The abrupt appearance of a toxin in the blood is often met by a counterattack of the immune system which utilizes an whole arsenal of antibodies to cure the body from vaccine injuries and protect against death by poisoning.

Allergic reaction

This is known as an allergic reaction and in certain instances, it may result in a sudden, sometimes deadly, collapse called anaphylactic shock. Among the causes of anaphylactic shock are immunizations for DTaP, Hepatitis B and whooping cough. A young person’s immune system has not typically matured enough to withstand this onslaught, leading to what the medical fraternity calls Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. Noted researcher Dr Kenneth Bock points out that vaccinating children may cause them vulnerable to allergies, eczemas and particular foods, provoking acute reactions to a plethora of stimuli that are tough to pinpoint.

Vaccinations may therefore actually be sensitizing children to allergic diseases because the compounds and genetic material inside them change how the immune system is intended to function. It will become skewed concerning the Th-2 hormone using a relative deficit in Th-1. Some researchers go so far as to state that contracting some disorders, like mumps and measles during childhood, is healthful as they really bring down the risk of allergies since they fortify the immune system. Research clearly demonstrates that the prevalence of asthma and many others allergy-related illnesses increases sharply after vaccination.