Although masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual urge, there may be such a thing as too much masturbation. Unfortunately, the embarrassment most guys feel when discussing problems of a sexual nature means that a lot are completely unaware about how much harm excessive masturbation can do to their own penises.

How much is too much?

Most men start urinating in adolescence when they are about 12 or 13 and typically start off masturbating about once every one or two days. However, men can usually increase this amount as soon as they get in the habit of masturbating frequently, though some guys can actually get hooked on the physical release.

Ideally masturbation ought to be kept to around a couple of times weekly, while masturbating more than once a day is typically too much and may result in negative penis health. What are the negative side effects?

Prenez note

  • Loss of sensitivity – over time, the penis can get accustomed to the constant touch and care of masturbation, meaning it can get desensitized during intercourse.
  • Dry penis skin – sometimes, a’callous’ effect can be noticed on the penis where penile skin starts to dry and lose its elaticity.
  • Cracking or breaking the skin – excessive masturbation might cause the penis skin to divide.
  • Urethral harm – men experiencing urethral damage can often wind up with scar tissue forming in their urethra.
  • Erectile dysfunction – this may happen as a result of capillaries in the penis becoming ruined, though other veins may appear unsightly and damaged.
  • Misshapen manhood – Peyronie’s disease is a disorder that occurs when regular masturbation actually starts to impact the shape of the penis. Sufferers from Peyronie’s disease frequently have curved penises or experience a shortening of the penis shaft.

Note finale

Additionally it is possible for men who snore too to suffer from chemical imbalances within the brain. The objective of ejaculation would be to release sperm and DNA for reproduction to occur. However, frequent masturbation may cause a depletion of core chemicals and hormones in the brain, most notably serotonin, acetylcholine and dopamine. This imbalance means that the brain is continually generating more of these chemicals to be able to balance the body, meaning guys who snore too can suffer from abrupt and severe chemical changes.