Resistance isn’t a new word, but for lots of us awareness of immunity is new. Resistance is helpful if there is a virus or flu around. If your body’s immune system is functioning as it should, you will have great”resistance to disease”–you will stay healthy. Resistance to the temptation to do something which goes against your core values will strengthen you, while giving into that temptation will weaken your personality.


Resistance may be a sign that something is not quite right for you, at this moment. There’s another side to immunity. The opposite side of immunity destroys the very thing we need. This resistance arises from a dislike for change. Humans are kind of odd in that we provide a desire into the Universe, and then we withstand the very changes this need sets in movement.

For instance, when I offered my desire to become financially independent, I did not understand that the answer would come in the form of loss of earnings from my former partner. The Universe reacted to my desire–not as I’d expected–and I resisted the change. The Universe knew that so as to become independent I needed to BE independent. I wanted the security of spousal income, but that psychological dependence on an external source was holding me back from freedom. I find it much easier to accept change once I have initiated it. When someone else initiates change that affects me, my initial response is to resist.

Law of Attraction

However, the Law of Attraction teaches that everything that touches my life is the consequence of some vibration in me. It might be a vibration I really don’t like. It might be a subtle vibration I pay little attention to. It might be a vibration which has gone underground–such as anger or hurt that I didn’t admit at the time I experienced it. Emotions are “energy in motion.” When we attempt to suppress an emotion (particularly one we have judged as negative or harmful ) it doesn’t go away, it goes into our subconscious mind where it silently sabotages our own life by setting up immunity which invites more negative experiences and creates tension between people who used to delight in each other.

Resistance does not just put on the brakes to getting our needs –Resistance disintegrates; it divides; it decomposes; it fragments our True Self. We lose our sense of wholeness. We feel disconnected from Source (God, the Divine). This disconnection begins to appear in the way we feel about ourselves and how we relate to other people. Soon, we’re quarreling with our very best friend and blaming them for the circumstance.


What can we do about immunity? Is there an alternative? Should we resist immunity? That does not work. If we detect resistance and attempt to suppress it or resist itwe create MORE! The option is acceptance. Not resignation, but creative approval. I teach the history of the Law of Attraction and it is fascinating to note that in the Middle Ages there was a great persecution of anyone who held a philosophical belief that differed from that defined by religious and political authorities.

People who knew the Law of Attraction, those people who maintained their own personal power through controlling their thoughts and emotions, were faced with a critical choice: either withstand the powers-that-be and perish; comply with the requirements of their aggressors, and deny themselves; or be creative. If that’s the case, many professionals of metaphics (the Law of Attraction) simply moved to Arabia where they found freedom to live their beliefs in an integral manner. Change is bound to occur. People will make decisions which affect our lives. We’re going to make choices that have an impact on others. Charles Handy said, “Change is the only constant.” How we manage change–invited or uninvited–will influence our vibration and subsequently, our wellbeing.


Take a few moments to detect resistance on your body, mind or emotions. What does it feel like? Restriction? Tightness? Blockage? Frustration? Confusion? Judgment? Indignation? Yes, those feelings are the signs of immunity. When I’m discovering resistance, I ask my Higher Self for comprehension and a creative approval. The main point is: Change will happen. I’m either going to make resistance or acceptance. Once choice contributes to the disintegration of my personality and another reinforces my sense of wholeness.