I don’t know why but I have been thinking a lot about resistance recently and how our body fights foreign invaders. Then the other morning I was watching Good Morning America and a physician in the American Pediatric Council was on and she said something which was pretty amazing in my eyes. Wow talk about something new.
Let’s start
Well I guess it is not that new I’ve been saying that for years but I do not understand as much as a Medical Doctor! Chiropractic College, a woman brought in her son to see Dr. X. She stated that her son was getting fevers on a daily basis at roughly exactly the exact same time daily. She would give him Tylenol and he would sweat like mad and his fever would come down. She told me that she was doing this identical regimen for the last two months and decided to see Dr. X since her MD did not know what to do.
So Dr. X checked him out and found out some things in his neck. He treated him immediately his fever began to go up. We saw it go to 101 afterward 102 and mother got in her handbag for the drug, but Dr. X said let’s wait. The fever went up to 103 and then the most awesome thing happened. His whole body broke out in measles.
Did you know?
The body has to reach a certain temperature before measles will present. Well this well caring mother was really only suppressing the measles from coming out and keeping her son ill. Once the measles came out that the boy was ill for approximately 2 months and then everything was back to normal. Wow, mother doing what she thought was right was really keeping him ill. Good for you American Pediatric Council for finally seeing the light. This leads me into my next topic of resistance. Sometimes you will need to acquire the disease to develop an immunity to it and others who are like it.
I recall as a child my mother sending me to houses of my buddy who had chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough or measles. I’d catch the disease suffer for a few months and then I was fine. Due to this I developed life long resistance to such conditions and other issues which were like them. Did you know that in the event you receive an immunization for the earlier mentioned ailments that you must get booster shots every 10 years? You do not develop an immunity to the illness but a resistance to the particular strain that they immunized you with. What about different breeds of the same disease?
So in fact, some cases it’s much better to catch the disease and suffer for a couple of weeks and gain life long resistance to each of the various breeds that can or will exist in the long run, than it is to suppress and prevent a specific strain for several years with an immunization. I recently discovered a book written by 3 physicians from Dartmouth University known as Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick In Pursuit of Health. They to agree which you will need to allow the body do what it’s suppose to do rather than hunt out every small problem and attempt to take care of it. Let the body heal by itself and you’ll be happier for it. Chiropractic care for more than 100 years has ever said,”The body can and will heal itself if given the chance to do so.” Too many times we try to assist to soon and get in our body’s way as it attempts to resolve things by itself.