Each day, in all sorts of media, we hear more and more about the wonderful advantages of meditation from assisting us to handle stress levels more efficiently to reducing blood pressure and stimulating the immune system. Meditation also raises our awareness of living in the present moment, promotes joy and calmness, and helps us deal with the difficulties of life.

Did you know?

It has also been proven to help overcome sleeplessness. Recent research shows that meditation is also very helpful in controlling pain and there are a whole lot of people in pain out there. To check out the many benefits of relaxation and meditation for yourself all you have do is hunt, on the world wide web, for the benefits of meditation. You’ll be amazed. I’ve been convinced of their health inducing power of meditation for several years.

Each day I meditate at least once for 45 minutes and hate to miss a session. Soon after I began to meditate my wife said she noticed me getting more relaxed and patient. To her that was a massive bonus. I read recently that anxiety is our most serious health hazard and that over 85 percent of all doctor visits are for stress related problems. Some governments would say that the amount exceeds 85 percent. At a time when healthcare costs across the western world are soaring out of sight it appears to me that we can handle these costs far more effectively simply by teaching people how to control anxiety, worry and anxiety through meditation and other forms of comfort.


It is an ancient way of attaining tranquillity and peace of mind. It involves focussing on a solid, phrase or picture exclusively. How Do You Meditate? Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on the floor or bed. Your picture can be a fire, flower, silent beach etc.. It’s your choice. Some folks would rather focus on their breathing. Remember it’s the practice of focussing not the object of your attention that’s important.

Close your eyes and start to hold your attention. Distractions will come. Let them. Don’t attempt to resist their existence only envision them leaving your head and then come back to your focus. Meditate for just a couple minutes in the start slowly increasing the time to 15 or 20 minutes. Frequently I find myself meditating 30 to 45 minutes at a time. When you are meditating the time just flies by.


How Will You Know You’re Meditating? You’ll have a profound sense of peace, detachment, comfort and tranquillity. I hope you give meditation and progressive relaxation a go. Stay with the process and do not get discouraged. The benefits to your life, relationships and health are worth it.