Promotes growth, strong bones, healthy skin, hair, teeth, and gums. Builds resistance to respiratory infections. Good for eyes, especially night blindness. 10,000 iu is the typical daily dose.Prolonged high doses can be bad for you since it can be kept in the body. Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system, heart and muscles and energy.


Good for anxiety and aids memory. Whole-wheat, whole brown rice, oatmeal, bran, milk, liver, fish, vegetables, beef, pork, nuts, fruits. It’s an excellent idea to take all of the a variety of B vitamins in 1 B complex tablet. Aids in preventing the common cold, infections, helps repair body cells, eg. Citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes. NB. It’s usually not recommended to eat citrus fruits, eg oranges, grapefruits, etc. if you suffer from arthritis.

Helps the body absorb iron. Vitamin C functions best when taken with magnesium and calcium. Vit C is excreted in the body quite quickly so it’s recommended to have a time-release tablet. Dosages over 5,000 iu daily not suggested. Good for the skin and enables you to look younger. Helps healing of burns, and helps with fatigue.

Senang mendengarnya

Wheat germ, soya beans, broccoli, spinach and leafy greens, whole-grain eggs and cereals. Iron tablets destroy the efficacy of Vitamin E if taken collectively – let 8 hours between. Women over 50 and menopausal women should increase their Vitamin E consumption. Milk, cheese, soyabeans, sardines, walnuts, sunflower seeds and green vegetables. Calcium and iron are the two minerals frequently deficient in a woman’s diet. Necessary for the production of red blood corpuscles (haemoglobin). Prevents iron-deficiency anaemia and fatigue.

For normal adults the recommended amount is 10 – 18 mg, but before raising the amount (perhaps due to exhaustion, etc) it is much better to consult your physician. It’s worth noting that ferrous sulphate, a kind of iron which appears in many nutritional supplements, may ruin your Vit E: the chelated form of iron is preferable. Necessary for the best functioning of muscles and nerves. Helps fight depression.

Good for the heart

Figs, nuts (specifically almonds), seeds, apples, apples and pears. People who suffer from cramp tend to be deficient in magnesium. Alcoholics are also usually deficient. Dolomite (a balanced formula of calcium and magnesium ) is a great quality supplement. Works with Vitamin E and seems to slow down the aging process. Selenium is important to human nutrition. Due to intensive farming and food processing methods, a number of our foods are depleted of Selenium.

Sistem kekebalan tubuh

Good for the immune system, muscle function and blood and brain function. It can also assist with healing. Choice meats like beef and chops, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, eggs. Men should maintain their calcium levels up, especially if worried about prostrate issues. Zinc and manganese are believed to help ward off of senility in the elderly.

REMEMBER: What you put into your body is what you escape your body! So think of food as fuel and select food from the graph above. Sadly, cakes, biscuits, etc. are only’comfort’ foods rather than nourishing fuel to the body. The only result we get from eating a lot of buns is possibly ending up looking like one – that is certainly food for thought! NOW HERE ARE A FEW MORE SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP YOU ‘SPRING’ INTO SPRING.

Co-enzyme 10 The body’s’spark-plug’ for energy. Ginkgo Biloba Helps maintain good flow to the body’s extremities (so great for people who suffer from cold hands and feet). Also improves blood supply to the brain and assists with inadequate memory. Glucosamine Helps maintain connective tissues in the joints and is thought to stimulate cartilage growth and encourage smooth functioning joints.

Bantuan alami

Echinacea Boosts the immune system – an aid in preventing colds and flu. Garlic Also boosts the immune system and, importantly, has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Omega 3 fish oils. Benefits heart, circulation, nerves and mind. Evening Primrose Oil Good for the immune system and look of skin. Now most of us know that there’s nothing like a wonderful cup of tea of give yourself a lift, and at last it’s been verified that tea is in fact great for us (this comes as a surprise, as all of us know from experience that if we like something then it’s guaranteed that someone will think of the discovery it is bad for us).

Studies have also shown that Green Tea contains remarkable health promoting properties. So the next time you feel like a’cuppa’ hit for the Green Tea – drink it on its own or with a piece of lemon – and it’s actually refreshing. As a matter of interest, I recently visited a tearoom where they had on offer a selection of over 300 distinct teas, and guess which one that the proprietor drank? Now that there’s concern about the long term use of HRT (hormone replacement therapy), many women want a natural alternative so as to alleviate menopausal symptoms and maintain a healthy lifestyle when their oestrogen levels fall.


These are oestrogens derived from plants which operate in a similar way to ours. These are found in soyamilk, soyabeans, linseeds, pumpkin seeds, red clover, etc.. So here is a chance to give you the recipe for what is called the ‘HRT CAKE’. So why don’t you cut yourself a piece of the’feel good’ cake to go with your cup of green tea? 50 gr sesame seeds, 50 gr almond flakes, 50 gr raisins. Scientists endeared themselves to chocolate fans yesterday when they demonstrated that eating the candy can help protect against cardiovascular disease. The researchers, at the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that the dark variety of the candy with a cocoa content of over 70 percent can be helpful to blood flow.