Living organisms (for example, human beings) are always rejuvenating themselves by replacing older, worn-out living cells with new ones that are new. Living organisms have the remarkable ability to heal themselves if they’ve become damaged , such as having experienced some kind of trauma (cuts, bruises, burns, etc.). They also have the capacity defend themselves from disease by combating foreign invaders, like parasites, bacteria, viruses and other germs, and by eliminating dangerous and harmful pollutants and toxins from the body.


The principal mechanism which protects our health and assists our bodies in rejuvenating our living cells is commonly called our immune system. Our immune systems are primarily comprised of different kinds of white blood cells. Each sort of white blood cell performs a different chore within the immune system. Our immune systems usually function quite well replacing older, worn-out cells and protecting us from disease. However, because much of our surroundings (our air, our water, our food, our homes, etc.) is becoming polluted with so many toxins, our immune systems can quickly become overwhelmed with these toxins and not able to carry out their duties. At these times, our immune systems are no longer able to protect us and ailments can run rampant in our own bodies.

Among the chief sources of toxins entering our bodies is from food that’s been commercially processed. These processed foods typically include a long list of components. These ingredients can contain additives, dyes, preservatives, and other compounds that are extremely toxic to the body. Moreover, during the production process, these foods also can pick up traces of harmful solvents, lubricating oils and greases, and other chemicals used to clean, lubricate, and purge the machines, holding tanks, tanks, and pipes used in processing the food.


As these toxins accumulate in our bodies, they overwhelm our immune systems and keep them from engaging in their normal pursuits. As a rule of thumb, it’s ideal to forego as many processed foods as possible in our diets and rely on wholesome, unprocessed foods. Examples of these are fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, grains, beans and legumes, meats, poultry, fish, seafood, and milk products. Other toxins which could damage our immune systems and our wellbeing come to us from various kinds of common, inorganic compounds we often encounter.

Minerals are examples of organic metals that our bodies need to be able to survive. Some of the toxic metals that are generally found in our food are nickel, chromium, aluminum, copper, cobalt, gold, lead, mercury, tungsten, and thallium. In our water are copper, lead, chlorine, fluorine, and bromine. In the air we breathe are strontium, vanadium, beryllium, and chromium. All these metals can do severe damage to our immune systems as well as our own bodies.


Minimize your intake of processed foods and drinks. This includes coffee. Coffee contains quite damaging solvents picked up in processing. Minimize the amount of sugar you eat and drink. It’ll destroy your teeth (necessitating tooth fillings and other dental prostheses) and cause other medical issues. Use safer sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup or Stevia, but keep these to a minimum. Don’t use aluminum cookware or aluminum foil in cooking. Aluminum causes brain ailments. Minimize your use of the microwave oven.

Microwaves convert organic minerals to inorganic toxic metals. Don’t use a toaster. The components spew the metal tungsten throughout the bread. Use a skillet to toast your bread. Do not wear jewelry. Gold is particularly complicit in several of diseases. Don’t use antiperspirants. They work by flushing our sweat glands with aluminum.


With regard to drinking water, spring water and well water are most likely the best. However for relatively healthy people, municipal water in limited quantities probably isn’t all that bad, notwithstanding the chlorine and the fluorine. However, do not drink bottled water. It contains traces of harmful solvents used to clean holding tanks and pipes. The Worst Metals of All! As bad as damaging as these sources of toxic metals are, there’s another source that’s a lot more dangerous and far more damaging to our health-the metals used in the fillings and restorations in our teeth!

These are often called silver or mercury amalgams. Amalgam means mix or combination. There’s been much discussion and debate over the years concerning the security of these metals. Much of the debate has been over the security of using a highly-toxic material like mercury in our mouths. Twenty-four hours per day, germ is leaching from our dental fillings and restorations and to our bodies, causing all sorts of damage. However, analysis indicates that mercury amalgams are in fact composed of approximately forty (40) different metals. And a number of them are even more hazardous and harmful than mercury!


The most damaging and harmful metals within dental amalgams are radioactive uranium and all its radioactive by-products! That’s right! The government permits highly-radioactive metals to be set up in our mouths so that they’ll show up better on x-ray scans and also to make our teeth glow more! And at least one individual researcher has demonstrated that among those radioactive by-products of ethanol is instrumental in causing all kinds of cancer!

However, do not rush out and have all the metal fillings and restorations drilled from your teeth. You might be causing yourself more harm than good! When you have metal fillings and restorations drilled out, tiny radioactive pieces of them may be thrown to the soft tissues of your cheeks, tongue, gums, tongue, and throat. Then they become more challenging to locate and remove. These tiny, radioactive pieces can then set new pathways through your nerves throughout your body and reestablish links to existing cancers or contribute to forming new ones.


If you’re relatively healthy, you should leave your metal fillings and restorations in place until it is possible to have them examined to determine if they’re radioactive. However, in the event you already have cancer, especially advanced cancer, you need to have the teeth with sterile metallic fillings and restorations extracted. Other aspects of dental concern would be the spaces under dental crowns and caps, beneath old dental fillings, and in root canals.

These areas are breeding grounds for quite damaging bacteria. The main point is to minimize the amount of sugar and other sweeteners that you eat and drink so you won’t need as much dental work in the first location. Children should be discouraged from eating and drinking sweetened products so that they can enjoy healthier and happier lives. Other big toxins that may compromise our immune systems and our health are seen in our homes and the environs in which we reside. There are lots of products in our houses and basements which emit harmful fumes.

Each of the items should be kept safely away in your living area of your dwelling. Don’t store them in your cellar because the fumes can grow up to the living room. If you keep them in an attached garage, seal the door between the garage and the house and don’t use it. Ventilate the garage by opening the garage door before entering it. Be sure to allow lots of fresh air to enter your dwelling. When electrons and toxins accumulate in your body, they could overwhelm your immune system and prevent it from performing its responsibilities of eliminating old, worn-out cells and eliminating toxic substances also. They can also keep it from destroying and eliminating any foreign pathogens that might have entered your body. These foreign pathogens contain parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and prions.


Without a healthy immune system to maintain these invaders in check, they can proliferate on your body and cause all sorts of maladies and diseases. Fortunately, when you lower the quantity of toxins entering your body, your immune system (if it’s not already been overrun ) will continue to attempt and get rid of any toxins that might have already gathered. It probably won’t be able to remove them all without help, but the more that can be eliminated, the healthier you’ll be. To sum up, you should attempt and prevent as many pollutants and toxins from entering your body and compromising your immune system as possible. This helps to allow your immune system to better perform its responsibilities of eliminating old, worn-out cells, eliminating pollutants and toxins, and combating and removing foreign invaders in the body.