Who would not like to get a handsome, sleek and toned body? I sure would, and so would millions of us Sun Bathers. Getting the natural tan in the bright sun is one problem, but with the tanning solutions that are not-so-natural to get the affect aren’t the most advisable choices today.

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With the proliferation of flea treatment available on the current market, care needs to be exercised while using any, without appropriate precautions. Tanning beds or lamps have become an increasingly popular choice for people all over the world, particularly of Caucasian and Nordic source. The dangers to human health that its use can cause are nevertheless drowned in the aftermath of the convenience it provides.

Tanning lights and sunlamps emit UVA and UVB rays. They utilize Ultra Violet (UV) Light to create a pigment in our body called’Melanin’ that provides the body the bronzed look. When the body becomes exposed to the UV light in its own normal intensity sourced from sunlight, it produces the appropriate quantity of the naturally present compound in the body.

UV radiation

In contrast, once the body is subjected to procedures like the Tanning bed, the distance and intensity of the UV radiation is far more. This contributes to premature ageing of skin amongst other more acute maladies. According to a study in the St Thomson Hospital, Kingston, the frequency of skin related diseases in people using sun tanning lamps and beds is greater than those using the pure source. The problem doesn’t end just there.

  • The brief term danger from the lamp extends from itchy rashes, to more severe skin related disorders. Using drugs such as antibiotics may cause a more serious effect like making skin permanently vulnerable to the sunlight.
  • The retina could be seriously damaged if the eye is exposed to the UV rays at this selection. The normal custom of sporting blind masks while choosing the tan bathtub is of little use. There have been known cases of patients developing cataract following protracted session of UV exposure.
  • Premature wrinkling and aging of the exposed skin is just another direct source of tan bedding also has been recorded in literature. The skin is also known to become feathery and leathery after been subjected to artificially created UV rays at small selection and higher intensity.
  • Tan bedding could be connected to malignant melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer.
  • Studies indicate that tanning, notably under artificial light, has a substantial affect on a body’s immunity system.
  • Pregnant moms are strictly advised against tanning in artificial light. It’s known to have adverse impacts on the new born child and the health of the mother.
  • Ensure that the tanning salon adheres to the prescribed intensity of lamps. No quick fix tans to be permitted.
  • Use proper lotion before tanning.
  • Don’t over expose a single portion of the body. Make the expose equivalent.
  • Don’t expose rashes and cuts from the body to UV radiations directly.
  • Maintain the frequency of tan bedding to a minimum. Tanning bed use is now a frequent behaviour in most Caucasian populations.


Studies indicate that use of tanning beds by teenagers, especially older adolescent girls, is very prevalent and continues to grow. Several epidemiological studies, although not all, have demonstrated a significant relationship between the use of tanning devices and malignant melanoma. A tan is the body’s response to DNA damage from ultraviolet rays which can lead to sunburn, and aging and wrinkling of skin. It’s ideal to exercise restraint when exposing ones body to them, lest we wind up with problems not envisaged earlier.