If this is the first time you’ve heard about Leaky Gut Syndrome, do not be surprised. The term isn’t widely utilised in the traditional medical community. Many healthcare professionals in the natural medical care arena however are extremely conscious of its presence and the devastating effects it can have on your body if left untreated.

La oss se...

If you’re trying to find a medical term for this condition it’s termed: increased intestinal permeability. So What’s Leaky Gut Syndrome? Leaky gut syndrome is truly not a disease. It’s a group of conditions that collectively can be very debilitating. Leaky gut syndrome is the inflamed lining of the gut that has become so bloated the porousness of the liner is diminished. In order words, the lining or coating of your intestines that normally functions as a barrier wall to permit any digestive products or wastes to enter via is not able to function as a protective blockade.

These waste materials and toxins that enter your blood stream will elicit a response called an autoimmune response. It’s here that your autoimmune defense system will attack your body’s cells. If this siege continues, gastrointestinal complications will start to multiply in number and severity.

Autoimmune System

Some of the signs of an autoimmune reaction like this are excessive gas, bloating, and abdominal cramps. As these symptoms grow and become increasingly worse, your doctor may diagnose these conditions as different disease processes and not feature them as a result of leaky gut syndrome. These conditions are often treated as ailments themselves. We attempt to fix them on a one to one basis. This isn’t successful because we’re treating the issue and not the cause that’s the “leaky gut.”

As the waste material and toxins interrupts your body, they become more successful in your blood stream. Your blood will take these toxins into other body organs that are already stressed. Did you know that the very first line of defense in your body to eliminate toxins is the liver? The more waste products and toxins that enter your body’s blood flow, the tougher your liver has to work at removing them.

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Your liver becomes a noninvasive treatment plant. The fantastic news is that is a powerful organ that can clear the body of toxins. The good thing is that like anything else, it can get overrun with these waste products and not have the ability to detoxify them. No room in the inn so to speak. The only alternative to a liver that’s overworked and overloaded with toxins is to reunite those contaminates back where they came from – to your blood to circulate and land everywhere.