Sleeping time for the infants is the time when they recharge to experience development. Despite the fact that parents assume that their infant is resting when he’s sleeping, but studies have shown that babies have two sleep cycles.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

This is the active sleep period when dreaming occurs and the baby smiles, twitches or there’s fluttering of the lashes. Despite the fact that the body is relaxed, the mind is attentive because of the activity that’s going in the mind. Studies have demonstrated that during the time once the infant dreams, the mind is stimulated, which aids in better growth and development of the infant.

Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM)

This is the silent sleep time. Though it’s not known what goes in the baby’s brain during this period however, there is an increased blood supply to the muscles, growth and repair of cells occur, energy is restored and important hormones, which are crucial for growth and maturation of the infant are secreted as he sleeps. If a baby is well-rested and gets his complete un-interrupted sleep hours, then it means rest for your mother also.

But there are even more significant health benefits for a baby who’s rested well. Sound sleep is associated with positive mood, behavior, character and physical functioning during the day time. It’s essential for the growth of a baby, particularly the growth of his Central Nervous System. A new-born infant’s brain must work hard. So, fantastic quality sleep boosts proper brain growth. A baby, while sleeping, is dreaming the majority of the time. Studies have proven that this stimulates the mind and helps it to grow healthily.


Sleep helps in consolidation of a baby’s memories. Babies who have more night-time sleep have greater cognitive scores. Among the mains causes of obesity, both in adults and children, has been associated with poor sleeping patterns during infancy. Babies who get less quantity of sleep are more prone to fat as babies and are at more risk of becoming obese by the time they are 3 years old. A rested baby will have reduced risks of overall health and psychological problems like depression and anxiety. A relaxed and rested child is going to have a fantastic day in addition to a better night also. A baby’s sleep pattern is developed during the first six months of his life. So creating good and regular sleeping habits can help set the stage in the years to come.