Diagnóza hypotyreózy by si mala vyžiadať zmeny vo vašom spôsobe života, najmä v každodennom stravovaní. Aj keď máte predpísané lieky na podporu štítnej žľazy, svojím výberom potravín môžete ďalej pomáhať (alebo brániť) svojmu uzdraveniu. Teraz, keď ste si vedomí svojho stavu, je dôležité, aby ste si vedome uvedomovali potraviny, ktoré zaraďujete do svojej každodennej stravy.


Každá snaha o zdravý výber potravín sa vám vráti vývojom zdravia štítnej žľazy. Zrejmou výhodou bude zníženie hmotnosti vďaka lepším potravinám a následnému zvýšeniu rýchlosti metabolizmu. Starostlivé plánovanie a dodržiavanie stravy nielenže pomôže vašej štítnej žľaze dobre fungovať, ale podporí aj vaše celkové zdravie. Tu je niekoľko užitočných tipov na stravovanie pre tých, ktorým bola diagnostikovaná hypotyreóza. Zvýšte príjem bielkovín.

Bielkoviny pomáhajú zabezpečiť, aby bola štítna žľaza dobre transportovaná do buniek. Preto ak do svojej každodennej stravy zaradíte bielkoviny, môžete výrazne zvýšiť schopnosť štítnej žľazy dobre fungovať. V ideálnom prípade by ste mali uprednostňovať zdroje bielkovín, ktoré nie sú vysoko spracované alebo neobsahujú vysoké množstvo konzervačných látok. Vyberajte si komplexné sacharidy. Keď do svojho jedálnička pridávate sacharidy, vyberajte si len komplexné sacharidy a zdržte sa potravín s vysokým obsahom jednoduchých cukrov.

Majte na pamäti

Príkladom potravín, ktoré sú dobrým zdrojom komplexných sacharidov, môže byť zelenina ako zeler, mrkva, zemiaky a tekvica. Budete musieť obmedziť, ak nie vylúčiť príjem jednoduchých sacharidov, ako sú sušienky, koláče, zmrzlina a limonády, pretože tieto potraviny podporujú zápal, ktorý môže vaše príznaky len zhoršiť. Lepok a vaša štítna žľaza majú identické molekulárne zloženie. To je dôvod, prečo u mnohých ľudí môže konzumácia potravín, ktoré obsahujú lepok, spôsobiť autoimunitný útok na štítnu žľazu.

Aby sa vaše príznaky nezhoršovali, je najlepšie vyhýbať sa raži, jačmeňu, pšenici a iným potravinám obsahujúcim lepok. Tuky a cholesterol fungujú ako prekurzory vašich hormonálnych dráh. Ak vaše telo nemá dostatok tukov a zdravého HDL cholesterolu, môže vám hroziť zhoršenie hormonálnej nerovnováhy vášho tela. Ak je hladina vášho cholesterolu nadmerná, zdravé tuky s nižším obsahom cholesterolu môžete získať z avokáda, olivového oleja a výrobkov z kokosového mlieka.

Vedeli ste to?

Ľudia s hypotyreózou sa môžu často sťažovať na zápchu a pomalé trávenie. To sa dá napraviť zvýšením konzumácie potravín bohatých na vlákninu, ktoré môžu pomôcť zlepšiť zdravie tráviaceho traktu a zároveň zvýšiť pocit sýtosti, aby sa eliminovali návaly hladu. Pri pomalom zvyšovaní príjmu vlákniny jedzte viac zelených listov, bobuľovín, tekvice, pomarančov a iného ovocia a zeleniny. Nezabudnite na príjem jódu. Jód zohráva dôležitú úlohu pri tvorbe hormónov štítnej žľazy, preto je pre človeka s hypotyreózou mimoriadne dôležité zvýšiť príjem jódu prostredníctvom stravy.

Príkladom potravín s vysokým obsahom jódu je morská zelenina, švajčiarsky mangold, cesnak, huby a letná tekvica. Pozor na goitrogény. Ide o druhy potravín, ktoré môžu narušiť správne fungovanie štítnej žľazy. Medzi goitrogénne potraviny môže patriť kapusta, karfiol, kel, repa, špenát, arašidy a brukva. Hoci sa po tepelnej úprave goitrogénne zlúčeniny znížia, stále je lepšie jesť tieto potraviny s mierou.


Jedzte potraviny bohaté na glutatión. Glutatión pomáha posilňovať imunitný systém a je tiež považovaný za jeden z hlavných antioxidantov v boji proti príznakom hypotyreózy. Zvyšuje schopnosť človeka regulovať a riadiť svoj imunitný systém a zároveň tlmí väčšinu príznakov autoimunitných vzplanutí. Okrem toho výskumy tiež ukazujú, že glutatión je užitočný na liečenie a ochranu štítnej žľazy. Medzi potraviny, ktoré obsahujú veľké množstvo glutatiónu v jednej porcii, patria jablká, paradajky, cesnak, melón, tekvica, cibuľa, paprika a avokádo.

Causes for Hyothyroidism

What causes Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid)? Hypothyroidism is the term used to refer to the condition which occurs when a persons thyroid gland isn’t producing sufficient amounts of the thyroid hormone to meet the body’s needs. The thyroid gland is extremely important since it has a significant role in ensuring that your metabolism stays in balance. The thyroid gland regulates the speed at which carbohydrates and fats are used by the body.

The thyroid gland also performs other functions like helping to regulate heart rate, production of proteins and body temperature. The thyroid gland itself may be found just beneath the Adam’s Apple. The hormones it produces are Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3). Hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) most commonly occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland. Because of this the thyroid gland becomes damaged that then keeps it from producing enough thyroid hormone (thyroxine) to fulfill up with the body’s needs. This of course isn’t the only manner in which someone can start experiencing hypothyroidism, there are an assortment of other causes too.


If the body doesn’t receive sufficient amounts of the thyroid hormone that the body’s ability to utilize energy is severely diminished. The thyroid gland can also be instrumental in helping the body to keep muscles and bones in a wholesome condition. There’s no known way by which you can avoid hypothyroidism nor is there a real medical treatment for the disease. It’s usually accepted that as soon as you have hypothyroidism you’ll have the disease for life. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the title given to hypothyroidism that’s brought on by the thyroid getting inflamed as a direct consequence of an attack from the body’s own immune system.

This is often called an’autoimmune disease’. Hypothyroidism Due to Problems with the Thyroid itself. If you’ve had a problem with your thyroid which has necessitated with the thyroid surgically removed you may suffer with hypothyroidism as a direct outcome. There’s also a condition known as Congenital Thyroid Agenesis, which describes someone who had been born without a thyroid, that will cause the person to suffer from hypothyroidism.


There are quite a few prescription medications which may cause the thyroid gland to deteriorate. This can even happen, sometimes, with a few of the drugs which are actually commonly prescribed for hypothyroidism victims to ease their problem. Hypothyroidism may also be caused as a consequence of a genetic defect of some type. If the genes which are responsible for regulating the thyroid gland have been damaged it’s very likely that the person will contract hypothyroidism.

Nearly all these gene defects are detected at a really early age. It’s possible, although not common, for hypothyroidism to be brought on by a malfunction of the Pituitary Gland. The Pituitary Gland produces a hormone that is responsible for stimulating the thyroid gland into producing the thyroid gland. Without this stimulation the thyroid gland simply does no function properly.

Why to Stop Reduction in Weight Loss?

Many dieters focus their efforts on one area of weight loss. They are heard all the time at the gym: "Oh, I'm just trying a few inches off my rear." Spot reduction doesn't work. You have better chances of winning the lottery if you are trying to lose weight in a specific area.

Good luck! Although it is possible to strengthen your abdominals by doing crunches, if you want the fat around them to disappear, you will need to burn more calories. This will help you lose fat all over your body, not just in your abs.

What to know about Calorie Burning Super Foods?

Calorie Burning Super Foods: There are no super foods that can burn calories. There are foods that will make you feel full and others that will increase your metabolism. Foods don't help you lose weight. But if you get up off the couch and begin exercising, it will. What about the Grapefruit Diet. Fad diets don't work. You will eventually crave a variety of foods, regardless of whether it is The Rice Diet or The Grapefruit Diet or The Lemonade Diet.

Why not to try one Food Diets?

None of these diets offer enough vitamins, protein, or other nutrients to keep your body healthy. Exercise regularly - It is a great tip for weight loss to exercise at least 3 times per week. At least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise is recommended each week. You can improve your cardio vascular endurance by increasing your heartbeat to 75% for at least 20-30 mins. This can be combined with strength training to create a dynamic duo of workouts. .

Why should you eat more Fiber and drink more Water?

Include high fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains in your diet. This will help you achieve a beautiful figure and keep your body healthy.

The average human body is 60-70% water. It doesn't contain coffee, soda, or beer. To help eliminate waste, regulate your body temperature, and feel full, ensure you are hydrated all day. Sometimes hunger pangs can be a sign that our bodies are asking for water.

How to control your Weight?

Reduce your portions. This is another great tip for weight loss. It's difficult to find smaller portions when you eat out in the U.S. This is what Americans want and it's what they get. If you feel the portion is too large, consider sharing it with someone else. It doesn't matter how much you eat if you are eating alone. You can always take the rest home and eat it later.

Why to avoid Processed Foods?

Avoid Processed Foods. If the food is in a container or a box, it is likely that it has been processed. Processed foods are higher in salt, fat, as well as chemical preservatives. To ensure food lasts longer in your fridge or cupboard, you need to add something.

What to know about Processed Food?

Also, processed foods lack enzymes and fiber. To make it look better, artificial colors are added. These are generally some of the best tips for healthy weight loss. Fat loss is a slow process. It is not healthy to lose too much weight.

What to eat for Weight Loss Success?

Green vegetables and fruits should be part of your daily diet. Green vegetables and fruits provide vitamins, minerals, and fibers that help our bodies digest food better. This helps to reduce the amount of unsaturated fats and prevents weight gain.

Why to increase your Metabolism?

A higher metabolism means that our bodies are able to get more energy from the food they eat. This helps us to stay fitter and healthier. It also allows us to lose weight effectively. Water is an essential element of our system.

Why is Water so ijmportant to your Weight Loss Program?

Your body cannot function optimally if you don't drink enough water. This will make it difficult to keep you healthy and fit, both mentally and physically. Water is essential for digestion and metabolism. Your body can become susceptible to many diseases if it doesn't have enough water. To stay hydrated and to digest the food you eat well, drink lots of water each day.

Is Exercise the Key for Weight Loss Success?

Even if you only exercise for 15 minutes, it should be a part of your daily routine. The best way to lose weight naturally is to exercise. However, this does not mean you have to join a gym or do grueling exercises. If you do aerobics regularly, free hand exercises and running can greatly improve your metabolism.

How can you Lose Weight?

You can lose weight by running, walking, skipping, swimming, or doing other activities such as cycling, running, skiing, and many others.

Meditation has been proven to be one of your best options for a happier, healthier lifestyle. You will see better results if you use the right meditation techniques. We often have very little time to get good sleep due to our busy lives.

Is your Body like a Machine?

Our bodies are like a machine that works constantly. To function properly, it needs to get enough sleep every night. A lack of sleep can cause serious problems for your body, lowering your metabolism and fitness. It is therefore important to get enough sleep every night. Your body will work better to help you digest the food you eat. This will also help you lose weight, provided you pay attention and follow the other tips.

Why to eat less Calories?

One of the best ways to lose weight is to eat less. This works like a bank account. As you withdraw more money than you deposit, you will lose weight. It is not about how many calories you eat, but rather about when you eat. It is dangerous to eat only one or two meals per day thinking you are cutting calories. No matter what your fitness goals, you will need well-balanced meals that are evenly distributed throughout the day.

Is Fasting a good Idea for Weight Loss?

Fasting to lose weight is not a good idea. Your body is not a dummy. Your body will go into survival mode if you stop eating for a day. Fasting with only liquids for a day or more does not cleanse the body or provide any detox benefits. Fasting is not something we were made for. Any pounds you lose in this time will be back with a vengeance.

Is Cheating eating?

Cheating is eating. This I know well because I lived on Ho Ho's for a while. Not all snacking is created equal. You need to snack. You may want to lose weight, but that doesn't mean that you have to torture yourself. Plan your snacks and what you want to eat.

Why to eat Low Fat Foods?

It is generally a good idea to eat low-fat foods, but it is important to check the nutritional labels. What did they do to make up for the loss of fat? The total calorie count may actually be lower. Low-fat, low-fat, low sodium, and zero sodium are almost as important as a marketing strategy. You must read the labels.

Why is Sweating good for Weight Loss?

This is because your body's attempt to keep you cool by sweating. Your body does not overheat when you sweat. It is not a measure of how much fat you have lost while exercising.

Guess what? Most of the water you drink back is replenished. Knowledge is the best tool to lose weight. All the misinformation surrounding weight loss will be the biggest obstacle. Take a look at where you are right now and create a realistic plan to get there.