While taking care and raising a puppy isn’t easy, what you get in return is much more than what you anticipate. Does your pet bring a smile on your face each time you come home, but he also affects your general health and well-being. Due to a puppy’s natural devotion and loving personality, it is no surprise why dogs can frequently be seen at hospitals and homes for the elderly – they’re there to cheer patients up. Dogs are demonstrated to improve one’s mood.


Playing with a puppy is believed to improve serotonin (the fantastic mood hormone) and lower the amount of cortisol (poor mood hormone) in the body. Because of this, stress is reduced and anxiety is relieved. Canines are naturally active and lively animals. They’ve a good deal of energy that has to be released that is why a daily walk is highly encouraged.

Dog owners, generally speaking, are more inclined to head out to walk and exercise compared to non-dog owners due to the need to accompany their pets for walks, to go the park or play a game of fetch. It’s been demonstrated that using a dog as a pet is an efficient way to fight depression.

Did You Know?

Taking care or just petting your pet triggers the body to release dopamine and serotonin, two hormones which have been demonstrated to decrease depression. Canines are also excellent for treatment – advisers, hospitals, homes and numerous organizations use a dog’s support for patients and individuals with disabilities. According to medical studies, those who have been raised about canines have higher levels of several key immune hormones that gives them a stronger immune system.

Research also indicates that these folks are less likely to have allergies. Numerous studies reveal that people with pet dogs have overall wellbeing. They’re good for heart health – people with fur babies have higher recovery rates from heart attacks. Interaction with canines also helps reduce cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. You see, our furry friends aren’t just there to make us grin, but they also make us much healthier!


So the next time you’ve got some free time, be sur to spend quality time with your dog. Don’t forget his treats! Mary James is a certified dog lover – she especially enjoys her Yorkshire Terrier, Missy, who is 8 years old. From all the years of experience with her dog and tons of research and seeking the help of specialists, she has become quite knowledgeable about the Yorkshire Terrier breed, in addition to dogs generally.