Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis. It can occur when there is too much uric acid in the blood. Fyron G1+G2 have shown to be the best natural solution.
Fyron G1+G2, the natural solution
The safest way to treat Gout is to start with natural medicine such as Curcuma or Boswellia which will will be your best ally.
You can order them here in a pack: Fyron G1 + G2.
Or separately:
When to take Fyron G1+G2?
The main reason why you will want to take Fyron G1+G2 is to lowering the level of uric acid in the blood.
After a first attack of gout, your doctor will discuss with you the possibility of taking medication to lower the level of uric acid in your blood. Your doctor will consider the following indications to help him or her make this decision:
- Two or more gout attacks within 12 months
- History of kidney stones
- Chronic kidney failure
- Bone erosion on x-ray
- Presence of tophus (uric acid crystals under the skin)
In order to lower the level of uric acid in your blood, your doctor will want to help you reach the following target uric acid level in your blood.
- If you do not have bone erosion or tophus present, a uric acid level below 360 µmol/l.
- If bone erosion or tophus is present, the uric acid level should be below 300 µmol/l.
Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of purines, which are found in the food we eat. The kidneys help filter the blood to remove uric acid from our bodies through urine. When the kidneys are not able to filter the blood or process the level of uric acid at the same rate as it is created, it can lead to high levels of uric acid in the blood.
Who should take Fyron G1+G2?
Genetics play an important role in who is at risk of developing gout. In some people, the body breaks down purines into uric acid and is able to eliminate excess uric acid more easily than others. Even if two people have exactly the same diet and eating habits, one of them may have higher levels of uric acid in the blood and be at greater risk of developing gout.
After months or years of high blood uric acid levels (usually above 400 µmol/l), uric acid can move out of the bloodstream and form uric acid crystals in the joints and soft tissues.
Uric acid crystals in soft tissue are usually found under the skin and can lead to the formation of hard, white chalk-like bumps. When present, these crystal deposits, called tophus, are usually seen around the ears and the extensor tendons, which are found in the hands and feet. Uric acid crystals in the joints can be responsible for gout attacks. So, all people who suffer from a higl level of uric acid should take Fyron G1+G2.
Why to take take Fyron G1+G2?
Gout attacks, especially the first ones, seem to come on suddenly, but they are often the result of months or even years of uric acid build-up in the blood. After a long continuous period of high levels of uric acid, it can start to move out of the bloodstream and form crystals in the joints and soft tissues.
Gout attacks are often triggered by the body’s immune system attacking the uric acid crystals formed in the joints and soft tissues. When immune cells, called neutrophils, enter the joint in an attempt to remove the uric acid crystals, inflammation, redness, pain and swelling occur, resulting in what is known as a gout attack.
Uric acid crystals can accumulate in many joints, but gout attacks are most common in the joints of the lower limbs, such as the knees, ankles and especially the base of the big toe. Many people will have no warning signs of their condition until their first gout attack.
As we go about our daily lives, microtrauma can occur in our bodies and joints, which can cause neutrophils to rush into these areas to help with the healing process. If your joint already has a build-up of uric acid crystals, this rush of neutrophils sent as part of the normal healing process can also detect the uric acid crystals and begin to react to try and remove them. This process could trigger a gout attack. As these microtraumas are often more common in the lower limbs and joints, these areas are more prone to a gout attack.
Other risk factors for a gout attack are infections, a drastic increase in the level of uric acid in the blood – for example after a high-protein meal, an evening of alcohol consumption (especially beer) or a period of dehydration.
How is Gout diagnosed?
Before diagnosing gout, your doctor will ask you questions about your diet and any medicines you have recently taken. He or she will want to know :
- when your symptoms started
- how long they lasted or how long the attacks were
- how intense they were
- which joints were affected by the symptoms?
A blood test can measure uric acid levels, but elevated uric acid levels are not necessarily indicative of a gout attack. During an attack, your doctor may ask you to have a blood test. He or she may ask you to have a repeat blood test after the attack is over, to compare your uric acid levels during and after the attack.
To get a confirmed diagnosis of gout, your doctor will need to take a sample of fluid from your joint during a gout attack. To do this, he or she will insert a needle into the affected joint and extract a sample of fluid.
The sample will then be examined under a microscope to determine whether neutrophils are actively trying to remove uric acid crystals. If this activity is seen in the fluid sample, your doctor will be able to confirm the diagnosis of gout. When neutrophils are trying to remove crystals, the crystals are said to be intracellular.
Although taking a fluid sample is the most effective way to diagnose gout, it is not always possible or necessary depending on your situation. Your doctor may also make a presumptive diagnosis based on a combination of signs, symptoms and test results, such as blood tests, X-rays and ultrasounds.
How is gout treated in addition to take Fyron G1+G2?
There are three main steps to treating gout.
Step 1: Treat the active gout attack.
Step 2: Lower the uric acid level in the blood (if necessary).
Step 3: Add prophylaxis if medication is given to lower blood uric acid levels.
During an attack
When you have a gout attack, take these steps to control the pain and swelling:
- Apply ice to the joint, elevate it and rest it.
- Take colchicine, an anti-inflammatory drug, or prednisone as soon as possible, as recommended by your doctor.
- Drink plenty of water and fluids. Remember that alcohol, soft drinks or sugary drinks can trigger gout attacks, so avoid them.
- Take note of the joints affected, the intensity and course of the pain, and the duration of the attack.
- Make an appointment with your doctor for an assessment.
- Avoid stress as much as possible. Additional stress can make a gout attack worse. Consider using relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, to help regulate your body’s response to pain.
There are many home remedies for gout: Gout Home Remedies.
Cold and Heat Treatment
Using cold can help ease the pain during a gout attack. Cold reduces the flow of blood to the injury, which helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. However, cold should not be applied for more than 20 minutes at a time. In general, it is advisable to apply cold for 20 minutes, followed by a break of the same duration. Always put a protective layer (such as a towel) between the cold pack and the skin.
Using a commercial or homemade cold pack (such as a bag of crushed ice, ice cubes or frozen vegetables) can be helpful.
Cold is ideal for :
- reduce swelling
- reduce pain
- reduce blood flow to an inflamed joint
Heat should not be used during a gout attack as it can make symptoms worse. However, between attacks, a hot shower or the application of warm compresses (such as a hot water bottle or microwaveable compresses) are effective ways to reduce general pain and stiffness.
Heat is ideal for :
- relieving pain and stiffness
- relieving muscle spasms and stiffness
- improving range of motion
IMPORTANT: Do not apply heat to an inflamed joint – it may make symptoms worse.
Relaxation techniques and coping strategies
Effective coping strategies can help you maintain balance in your life, keep your gout symptoms under control and cultivate optimism. Relaxing the muscles around a sore joint will reduce the pain you feel, although it is not always easy to relax when you are in pain. Gout attacks can be very painful, but there are techniques you can master to help you refocus your mind and relax your muscles during a painful attack.
Visualisation techniques, such as imagining burning sensations being put out by cold water or focusing on imagining what your pain might feel like, can also help to take your attention away from the pain itself and help you reframe your experiences of pain or discomfort.
Other techniques to consider include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises or listening to a podcast, audiobook, narrated relaxation exercises or soothing music.
One of the keys to developing relaxation techniques is to practice the techniques you are most comfortable with, even when you are not feeling pain. This can be particularly useful for forms of meditation and visualisation.
Why is treatment of Gout so important?
If left untreated, the duration and frequency of gout attacks tend to increase, and the disease can even become chronic. The continued presence of uric acid crystals in and around the joint can lead to destruction of the joint and soft tissue.
Fortunately, when patients receive appropriate treatment and medical care, the disease does not usually progress to this advanced stage. Most people with chronic gout are able to control the disease with medication. Lifestyle modification is an important part of treatment and can help prevent and manage flare-ups. Early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the risk of permanent joint damage and can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
You can also try a good alternative to better your health: Fyron Immun Forte.
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Does Fyron G1+G2 have side effects?
The food supplement is extremely effective and does not cause side effects. It can be used in natural health to treat joint pain, stiffness, tendonitis, and other conditions. It is especially recommended for gout sufferers.
What is Fyron G1+G2 good for?
- Gout
- Arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Osteoarthritis (arthrosis).
- Sports injuries include tendonitis, bursitis and tennis elbow.
- Collagenous colitis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease
- Asthma
- Hay fever
Why does Fyron G1+G2 combine its ingredients?
Combining curcumin and boswellia is more efficient than taking them individually. It will help better to keep your joints flexible. Their combination is powerful and naturally beneficial. Combining curcumin with boswellic acid is the best option.
What should you know about arthritis?
Many people mistakenly believe that arthritis affects older people. Arthritis can be a serious condition that can affect anyone at any age. It can cause dull aches, excruciating pains, fatigue, and/or insomnia as well as permanent physical disabilities. It is not a single condition.
What is Arthritis?
Arthritis can be described as a group of over 100 medical conditions that involve joint tissue swelling or inflammation. These conditions can be related to cartilage wear or inflammation.
It is the most common chronic disease in America, affecting approximately 350 million people around the world.
What causes Arthritis and how can we treat it?
Before I explain the causes of arthritis, I will explain what is happening at skeletal-level. When the cartilage, or the level of Synovial liquid, or the joints are damaged, the joint movements stop working smoothly and can cause pain, movement impairment, and eventually arthritis. These issues can be difficult to diagnose and the type of Arthritis that develops is dependent on various risk factors.
What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis, the most common form of Arthritis, is strongly linked to age. This is due to the gradual brittleness of the cartilage and inability to heal itself.
What main factors causes joint degeneration?
- Your age - The more likely you are to develop arthritis, the higher your chances of developing it. This is because cartilage becomes less flexible and your body has a harder time repairing any damage.
- Genetics - Research suggests that arthritis may be linked to genetics.
- Weight - An excess body weight can put pressure on the joints and increase the risk of joint damage. If you are overweight, it is important to lose a few kilos.
What to know about Joint Injuries?
A joint injury can cause abnormalities in the joint that could have caused damage to the cartilage around the joints. What preventative measures can be taken to reduce the risk of developing arthritis or slow down the progression of the disease? Arthritis that is thought to be hereditary can be triggered at any time.
How to prevent joint injuries?
You need to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercise, healthy eating habits, and adequate rest. This will allow your body to heal itself. Certain foods have been shown to be more effective in preventing this disease.
Why to eat more omega-3 fatty acids?
Omega 3 is essential for your overall health and well-being. It is important in the prevention of chronic diseases. Omega 3 is one of a group of special fats that the body requires but is unable make.
Consuming Omega 3 helps to form substances (leukotrienes), which can reduce inflammation in the body that could lead to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid.
How to naturally treat rheumatoid arthritis?
Omega 3 has been shown to reduce the symptoms of Rhumatoid Arthritis, such as morning stiffness and joint pain. Joint damage can still occur so it is important to continue taking prescribed medication and treatment. Research has shown that osteoarthritis patients who eat a high-quality diet rich in omega-3 had less stiffness, pain, and a stronger grip.
Why should gout sufferers avoid omega 3?
Gout sufferers should avoid Omega 3 fatty acid intake. Fish contains purines, which can increase the production of uric acids, which can worsen the condition.
Why should you consume more Glucosamine?
Glucosamine plays a significant role in the formation and repair cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. This is crucial for the proper functioning of joints. It stimulates the production 2 important building blocks of cartilage, and prevents the formation of enzymes (ie. However, the natural production of Glucosamine decreases as we age).
As we age, it becomes more important to take supplements to replenish and restore our bodies' glucosamine levels.
Why to take more manganese?
Manganese is an antioxidant that slows down the aging process. It is also essential for the formation bone and ligaments. It also helps to build cartilage, which in turn contributes to arthritis relief and prevention.
Does ginger extract help againt arthritis pain?
Studies have shown that arthritis patients who were given highly purified ginger extracts experienced a significant decrease in joint stiffness and pain.
Ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, including 6-gingerol, which inhibits the formation of damaging free radicals that can have a negative impact on the body.
Why to mantain a healthy diet for your joints?
A healthy diet is essential to ensure that your body receives the right nutrition to support healthy bones, joints, and cartilage. It also helps to maintain a healthy weight, which will help reduce the pressure on your joints.
This can increase the likelihood of developing joint problems. It is important that you follow your doctor's advice regarding arthritis treatment. Along with the right diet, supplements, and treatment, they should help your body reduce pain, increase mobility, and relieve any future development of arthritis.
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