Stick it out and go to work – During cold and flu season you ought not go into work if you’re feeling ill, since you risk injuring everyone that you work with. These very same individuals can turn around and re-infect you afterwards. Instead remain at home in bed and get a lot of rest, to decrease the period of the infection.

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  • Forget hand sanitizer – Hand sanitizer is excellent for killing germs in your hands until they can infect you. It’s not always possible to wash your hands in several areas, but if you have hand sanitizer this isn’t a issue and you can wash your hands wherever you’re.
  • Send your child to school if they’re ill – If a child shows any signs of illness then you need to keep them home, since they might be infectious and pass the virus along to others in their course.
  • Skip your flu shot – The influenza vaccine is quite important and needs to be obtained during cold and flu season to protect you against this illness. The vaccine differs each year based upon the predicted strains, and the vaccine will protect against more than 1 strain.
  • Ignore symptoms that are serious or severe – The flu can have fatal consequences, and before complications may eventually cause death there are medical treatments which could help and signs which shouldn’t be ignored, such as shortness of breath or a high fever. For those who have any severe symptoms see a doctor immediately or go to the nearest Emergency Room.
  • Forget to carry soft tissues – When you cough or sneeze you should always do this into a tissue. This is due to the fact that viral diseases are spread through moisture droplets which have the ability to travel through the air and infect other people. Often you might be contagious before you develop any symptoms, so it’s necessary to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze for the interest of the general public and to minimize vulnerability.
  • Skip meals – Skipping meals or eating foods that aren’t healthy and nutritious can cause your immune system to drop some and become less effective. During cold and flu season the consequences of this could be illness and viral diseases.
  • Go to the emergency room with moderate symptoms – If your symptoms are mild there isn’t any reason to go to the ER, and frequently this measure may expose you to other disorders also. Viral infections usually do not need any drugs unless severe dehydration or other harmful symptoms occur.
  • Cut your sleep short – make certain to have at least eight hours of sleep every night. This is vital for the healthiest immune system potential. Should you get exposed to viruses that a strong immune system will keep you from getting infected, and not getting enough sleep will damage your immune system and increase your risks instead.
  • Touch a number of items or greet people by kissing or shaking hands – During cold and flu season these germs can be lurking anywhere. It’s impossible to tell if a person is infected or if a product has been touched by an infected individual, and these can make you get sick. Avoid touching things and physical contact as far as possible to avoid exposure to any germs.