Taking the kids to the playground is a excellent avenue for them to have a breath of fresh air and allow them to exercise through participating in active play. Particularly now that we are living in a gadget-driven age, the playgrounds act as a excellent place for kids to have a screen-free entertainment. However, parents should be aware about some hidden dangers that exist in the playgrounds.
Did you know?
According to some study, 50 percent of the equipments at the playground are infected with some type of illness-causing bacteria? Moreover, these playground equipments are also found to be infected with tads of perspiration, saliva, urine, blood and mucus. Yikes! Turned out, average playgrounds aren’t as clean and may become the breeding grounds for all kinds of germs.
So, how can you make certain that your children’s exposure to those disease-causing contaminants are removed or minimized? Here are 8 practical hints every parent should know about. Teach your children the importance of proper hand washing before and after playing. This habit functions in two ways – helping your kid fight the germs contaminating the playground and in precisely the identical manner protecting other children from getting into contact with the germs your child may have.
Do this!
Bring along wet wipes with you that can come in handy if you will need to wash your kids’ hands clean and there’s absolutely no water source around. You can even use the moist wipes to wash down the equipments that your child will almost certainly get contact with. Maybe you and your family have opted to enjoy a picnic while outside in the playground, and you will need to wash out the picnic table at a breeze before you set the foods in addition to the table. A microfiber towel can certainly work.
Just spray on an environment-friendly cleaning spray on the towel to wash the area clean. Sure, germs are lurking around in both indoor and outdoor playgrounds. But, indoor playgrounds are enclosed and germs of different kinds, such as those bacteria which are known to cause meningitis, are readily trapped indoors. Hence, however much you wish to keep out the kids even for only a couple minutes as you do your grocery store, avoid using indoor play areas like those in the restaurants or malls.
Keep in mind
Teach your children as soon as possible to ditch the habit of placing their hands in their mouth or nose. Touching their mouth, nose and other facial areas with unclean hands is a guaranteed method of germ transfers. Children need to learn how to cough or sneeze safely to prevent spreading the germs to other people. Tell them to cough into their elbow or use a tissue if they need to sneeze instead of using their hands because doing this will only spread the mucus and saliva, together with the germs, after they touch the playground equipments.
The nose may be a simple portal for disease-causing germs. You can give your children extra line of protection from common playground contaminants and germs using easy-to-carry-around nasal sanitizer available on the industry now. No sinus sanitizer available? Try applying a little coating of petroleum jelly around their nostrils area instead.
Children deserve playgrounds that aren’t only fun but can also be health-friendly and secure. Let other parents and the remainder in your community know about the importance of a clean and sanitized playground. You can begin raising funds which are used for routine sanitation and disinfection of the equipments on your playground. Be Cautious, But Avoid Going Overboard! While it’s every parent’s obligation to make sure their children are protected and healthy, do not forget to keep the balance and let your children have fun at outdoor playground equipment. Besides, a small amount of exposure to bacteria can also be great for the growth of your child’s immune system. So, practice good hygiene together with common sense and let your children enjoy playtime!