Do you know what it is? Well, they’re a set of messenger molecules or immune system boosters whose job is to communicate information within the immune system of each person. Female mammals are known to generate a milk-like matter called as colostrum that initiates the immune system functionalities of a new born.

Immune system

We also discover that nature employs this is to communicate the immune system info from one person to another. Transfer factors function as communication channel to your immune system to defend against the dangers of bacteria and other microbial. So what then is transfer factor plus? It’s an extension of the transport variable theory and generally comprises Transfer factor E-XF and NanoFactor as its ingredients which could help improve the response time of your immune system against outside threats effectively.

They’re found in people and animals such as cows. Transfer factor plus and transfer factor cardio are some among them. Hence, patients are now able to discuss about this handily with their doctors.

Good to know

The product uses extracts of red rice, garlic and ginger oil and coenzyme Q10. Additionally, it has maitake and shiitake mushrooms, extracts of olive leaves, beta glucans, codyceps, inositol hexaphosphate and beta sitosterol. Are you wondering about how natural products can act as your immune system boosters? You can experience it by starting to consume loads of water.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin C that are good immune system boosters also. The USDA urges you to eat 2 or more cups of fruits and 2.5 or more cups of vegetables daily for a 2000 calorie diet. You may also try the mild olive oil together with rich sources of vitamin D like the garlic. It’s wise to eat it raw but if you’re uncomfortable you could also use the kyolic garlic form that’s available in all major medical outlets.

What exactly would be the patients experiences on this? Mrs. Adams who had been undergoing a chemotherapy treatment for her breast cancer could feel her body crumble under such extensive remedies. She later realized the advantages of transfer factor plus and began consuming the pills regularly. She no longer suffers from the familiar side effects of radiation or chemotherapy treatments and free of cancer also.