Endometriosis is largely a mystery. While it’s true that scientists and physicians understand how the condition progresses, the symptoms it generates, as well as how to deal with it, the reason for its true cause isn’t fully understood. In actuality, it is a fact that there could be several possible causes of endometriosis. Additionally it is possible that the reason for endometriosis might be a combination of a number of distinct variables or just one.


Different individuals may develop endometriosis for different reasons. What could be discovered from current information and research is that endometriosis isn’t even close to being completely understood. When discussing the reason for endometriosis, it’s important to understand that there might be several different causes. As scientists and researchers continue to unravel the double-helix of the human genome, it’s becoming increasingly en vogue to attribute the origin of an array of ailments to genetic information.

Heredity is a major theory of the growth of endometriosis. In actuality, the prospect of developing endometriosis increases for girls when a close blood relative has also developed the disease. Another potential cause of endometriosis could be attributed to a number of environmental factors. It’s understood that because environmental pollution is greater than it has ever been throughout human history that surplus toxins could be responsible for many different health related conditions.


It might be that mercury, lead, and other heavy metals from the atmosphere and water contribute to the onset of endometriosis. Furthermore, there are a great number of potentially toxic chemicals in the environment that may set the immune system in a weakened state. It’s not surprising then, that another potential cause of endometriosis might be the failure of the immune system to fight off hostile invaders. If you know anything about immunology you will already understand the immune system is continually under attack.

If endometriosis is caused by some type of auto-immune response or a pathogenic organism, then the operation of the immune system may hold the key to the illness. Therefore, it’s necessary for women with endometriosis to maintain their immune system working at top levels through keeping a balanced diet and taking regular exercise. Additionally it is considered that an over production of estrogen may function as linked to endometriosis.

Hormonal Factor

Estrogen is a female hormone and because only females develop endometriosis, it might be the key to understanding this possibly severe and incurable condition. When hormones are out of balance the body isn’t properly regulated. This may result in a plethora of problems. Hormone imbalances might be to blame for endometriosis in addition to a range of other conditions. The causes of endometriosis might not be fully understood, but the theories available appear to logically match. It might be that all these factors work together with each other in some manner or that among these triggers stands alone. Only time, strong research, and the growth of medical understanding will offer the responses scientists so desperately seek.