A study conducted in 2011 by 8 PhD’s and one chiropractor studied the effects of a single adjustment from the TONE of the neural system. The tone of the neural system denotes the STABILITY of system under pressure. They used a PET scanner – a potent neuro imaging method to measure neuronal activity in the brain.

Metabolic rate

Literally they quantified the METABOLIC ACTIVITY OF THE BRAIN and the changes post-adjustment. To begin with, in order for a person to be given a chiropractic adjustment, they need to first have a subluxation. A subluxation is a misalignment in the spine that interferes with the normal transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body. Needless to say, because the neural system controls and regulates all purpose, development and healing in the body, as subluxation is quite damaging to the health of the person.

This PET scan study assessed a few of the systemic changes that occurred once the subluxation was fixed with an adjustment. What they discovered was that the SYMPATHETIC (STRESS) tone of the neural system was inhibited, salivary amylase was diminished, regional improvement in brain metabolism, and muscle tone and pain intensity decreased. It proves, again, a subluxation creates strange proprioception to the brain (especially the hypothalamus) resulting in increased sympathetic tone.

Good to know

That means that when you’re subluxated, it’s like your body and mind is MASSIVELY and CHRONICALLY in a state of STRESS. Why is that so bad? Well, increased sympathetic (STRESS) tone consistently increases stress hormones – that have been linked, through study, to all sorts of disease like cancer, glaucoma, bi-polar disease, type I and II diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, atherosclerosis, excessive body weight, hypertension, asthma, and immune system disorders.

Are you beginning to see just how big of a deal that the chiropractic adjustment is? How is that possible? There’s a specific portion of the spinal cord called LAMINA 7, and it connects the spinal cord directly to the HYPOTHALAMUS – the most important co-ordinator of hormones in the body. In actuality, the backbone has the ONLY direct connection to the hypothalamus (and consequently hormones) in the whole body!