After 9 weeks of pregnancy, the birth of your newborn opens up a whole new world of excitement for you. Not just you are feeling extremely happy but also have loads of infant care responsibilities. And if you are a first time mother, caring for your newborn becomes a much harder task. However, during the first months, after these proven techniques can help you nurture your baby in the best possible way.


Since newborns are prone to allergies and infections because of their weak immune system, be certain that you use a hand sanitizer or scrub your hands with a gentle soap until you pick up your baby. Also, ask others who handle your baby to have clean hands. Clean your child’s room frequently and put your baby down in a clean and dust-free area throughout the room cleaning procedure.

You should never forget that your child’s body is quite delicate and therefore has to be treated with utmost care. There’s just a few safe and comfortable ways to take a baby. Whatever strategy you use, always support your child’s head and neck to prevent any sort of injury or breakage. There are just two things a toddler need during the first month or two of life – sufficient milk and proper sleep.

Take into account

Whether you breastfeed or formula feed your baby, be certain that you offer her a feed demand. Note your baby’s feed-me cues and begin feeding before she begins to cry. If you’re in a public place, use a nursing cover to keep privacy and comfort. Infants tend to swallow plenty of air during feeding, which contributes to gassiness and leaves them spit up. To avoid this issue, you must burp your baby after every feed.

The best way to get burps from your infant is to hold her from the chest with allowing her chin rest on your shoulder and gradually pat her back. Considering the fact that an infant makes the diaper dirty more than 10 times daily, you want to check on the diapers every four hours or so. A soiled diaper feels heavy and can cause your baby rashes. As a wet diaper makes delicate skin around baby’s bum wet, it’s highly recommended to keep your baby naked for a couple of additional minutes while changing the diaper.


Since sleeping is the next most important activity after feeding for a newborn baby, it must be your primary duty to create a safe sleeping environment for your infant. Regardless of you create your baby sleep in a cot or crib, always use a fantastic baby mattress which not only gives your baby a firm surface to sleep but also keeps him apart from the chance of accidental suffocation. If performed safely, baby wearing can play a very important role in strengthening the maternal bond between you and your baby.

It helps your baby sleep longer and better. The fussiest, most colicky babies feel calm and content when held snuggly against their mother’s body. Moreover, wearing your baby provide you a excellent way to take care of reflux issue. Do you know some babies learn how to roll over even as early as 2 or 4 weeks old? That means any sudden movement, like the startle reflex, made by your baby can cause him to fall. So never leave your toddler unattended, even for one minute. To be on the safe side, you can benefit from a baby anti roll pillow to stop your child from rolling off.


Whether you are in hospital or in your home, don’t be afraid to take guidance from experienced people about how you ought to properly look after your baby. Try to know the critical facets of maternity and get advice on breastfeeding and lactation. You may ask your mother, sisters or friends how they used to manage their babies. In the event of any emergency – such as high fever, persistent diarrhea and nausea – immediately reach out to your pediatrician. Don’t attempt to self medicate because doing so can make the situation even worse. Apparently, you shouldn’t take an opportunity when it comes to baby care.