Yet tens of thousands of people are absolutely convinced that a long list of generalized symptoms, for that their medical physician has no cure, are brought on by Candida yeast. Dr. William G. Crook, who wrote The Yeast Connection and started an organization known as the Candida and Dysbiosis Information Foundation, is most likely the most famous promoter of the illness, which hasn’t been accepted by mainstream physicians.


Dr. Crook recorded many possible symptoms he claimed were related to this illness, such as lethargy, fatigue, food cravings, depression, infertility, and much more. Some writers list as many as 30 vague and generalized symptoms for this syndrome. Very serious systemic yeast infections are very common in AIDS patients and others with a compromised immune system, and may be deadly.

However there’s absolutely not any evidence that Candida yeast will create the record of generalized symptoms maintained for this syndrome in the general population. Although writers have claimed to be specialists in treating this syndrome to its 29 decades, the sole common illnesses that scientists have been shown to be due to Candida yeast in humans without a compromised immune system are skin, male and vaginal yeast infections, and oral thrush.

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However, some promoters of the syndrome assert that up to 30 percent of all people today suffer from excessive Candida yeast. The Concept is speculative and unproven. The fundamental elements of this syndrome would apply to nearly all sick patients in some time. The complaints are basically universal; the wide treatment program would produce remission in many illnesses irrespective of cause. There’s no published proof the Candida albicans is responsible for the syndrome.

There’s no published evidence that the treatment of Candida albicans infection with specific antifungal agents advantages the syndrome. It’s also interesting to note that, regardless of the many, (and complex )”Candida diets” which were promoted as a potential cure for this syndrome, Dr. Crook established the diet and cookbook he recommended about the nutritional research done by Nathan Pritikin, a guy Dr. Crook greatly admired.


The Pritikin diet wasn’t developed in reaction to yeast infections – it was created to decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease, and studies have shown over many years it is highly effective in attaining that objective. As the AAAAI indicated in their findings, many, if not all, of the generalized symptoms related to the so-called candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome could move away from eating a healthful, nutritious diet, like the one Mr. Pritikin developed.

There’s absolutely not any way to verify that the symptoms are actually due to yeast, or if they’re just the body’s natural reaction to bad eating habits, obesity, and too little exercise. Although the “Candida diets” may actually make you fitter, the herbal antifungal remedies which are also suggested for individuals suffering from the fatigue, lethargy, and other symptoms recorded by these writers should cause some concern.


True yeast infections of the vagina, penis, mouth and skin are often caused by using antibiotics, which kill the body’s beneficial bacteria. These bacteria are required by the digestive tract, and they are your first line of defense against yeast infections. The herbal remedies that are frequently suggested by “Candida specialists” are known to harm the beneficial bacteria, and this might actually result in more severe vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush in the foreseeable future. Additionally it is known that Candida yeast evolves very quickly to become drug-resistant.

Using any antifungal drugs, including herbal remedies, should always take this into consideration. This is why your physician will always prefer to prescribe a topical antifungal medication, rather than one taken by mouth, unless a systemic medication is truly needed. When Candida becomes drug resistant, another infection is far more challenging to cure, and you might find yourself the victim of chronic male or vaginal yeast infections that could make your life miserable.

For these reasons, it’s always a great idea to have a very frank talk with your physician before beginning any herbal plan of treatment for generalized symptoms that popular writers blame on Candida. If you choose these herbal remedies without your doctor’s advice, you might discover to your dismay that you have created an even bigger issue on your own, including quite undesirable and hard-to-cure chronic yeast infections.