There’s 1 word putting fear into the hearts and minds of people all around the world. It’s called Ebola. Judging by what has happened up to now, and what’s very likely to occur in the future, we should all worry about It’s already among the deadliest diseases on the planet. It has killed over four thousand people. The number of people infected is twice that figure. If it’s allowed to rampage around the world, and it this point I really don’t know what will stop that from occurring, then Ebola could impact all of us.


Scientists say this disease will get much worse before it gets better. The World Health Organization says that there are over eight million suspected instances but this figure may be much, much higher because of under reporting of this disease especially in places such as Sierra Leone and Liberia where health authorities wouldn’t have a clue. Health map modeling reveal the eight million cases of Ebola, as of the 10th of October 2014, are expected to jump to over 18 million over the next four weeks.

Yes, I said 18 million instances. The United States Centre For Disease Control states Ebola cases in Liberia are doubling every 15 to 20 days, while the amount of instances in Sierra Leone doubles every 30 to 40 days. The Disease Control Centre quotes Liberia and Sierra Leone will have 1.4 MILLION cases over the next 3 months.

Viral Infection

In brief, Ebola is a virus that invades cells and reproduces like fury. It will hijack a person’s immune system and make the body’s natural defences turn on themselves. It hoodwinks blood to clotting where clotting isn’t needed, such as around the liver and then it goes about damaging the lining of blood vessels, to this extent, that infected blood cells packaged with repeated versions of the first virus smash their way through such as wrecking balls.

With the body’s clotting agents already consumed, the tiniest break in skin tissues will result in heavy bleeding, sometimes from the nose, fingernails or anus. Victims die from multiple organ failure because their blood pressure drops away to nothing. And anyone who has come into contact with infected bodily fluids is at great risk of contracting the illness. At the moment it’s incurable but there’s one drug, while untested, that has had some success in combating Ebola. The one saving grace is that at the present time the disease can not be spread through the air or from insect bites.


But Ebola has the capability to mutate itself that means it might wind up being able to do what it can not do at the current time. And if this happens God help all of us. West Africa has the highest concentration of cases. The disease was confirmed in seven countries around the world. The World Health Organization divides the instances into a couple of categories. Those with intense and widespread transmission such as Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. And people with localized transmission such as Nigeria, Senegal, Spain and the United States of America.

Yes. I said the United States of America. Last weekend, a nurse who cared for a man in america, who died from the disease, has tested positive for Ebola. A breach of wellness protocols has been blamed for allowing her to become infected.

But How?

But what’s health officials scratching their heads is: how did the violation occur? Furthermore, how did it happen in a country where complete state of the art equipment and protective equipment was available? What happens next is the inevitable waiting game to find out who else, that came into contact with the nurse, might become infected with the disease. It’s insidious and contagious.

Police are currently guarding the house of the infected nurse. US health authorities say another 50 individuals who came into contact with the guy who died from Ebola in america are also being monitored. There are widespread calls for countries around the world to do more to fight this disease. In my opinion, we must face this thing with everything we’ve got. We simply can’t let it turn into a situation in which the only thing we can say is that you should have listened, I told you this would happen, since there might not be anybody left to hear it.