All treatment based on pharmaceutical products profits from the study and treatment of symptoms, categorised pretty much in isolation as signs of separate “ailments”. Western medicine has assembled a huge repertory of observed symptoms, and a huge selection of unnatural products tailored by chemical companies to prevent these symptoms from manifesting.

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We even have relatively simple conditions, such as eczema, being labelled as”diseases” to bring them within the reach of the prescription drugs sector. The term”treatment” is a misnomer when applied to drugs and disorder. Drugs suppress symptoms, which are the body’s way of ridding itself of underlying illness. This pushes the problem deeper into the cells for the cells to deal with in another way, which causes big trouble at a later date.

Drugs may provide a “quick fix”, but the price paid in side effects and long-term illness is enormous, affecting both quality and length of life. Published”causes of death” figures are many and diverse. You won’t ever find one of them a figure for the thousands of individuals whose life span and quality of life are gradually destroyed by pharmaceutical drugs. When their lives end, cause of death is only listed as the “disease” they were being treated for, or one of its “side effects”. While contemporary western medicine excels in treating emergencies and trauma, it’s lost the plot entirely when it comes to treating disease and illness.


All disease symptoms are caused by the exact fundamental “dis-ease” state of the body. In fact, before the growth of medication, many organic remedies were used successfully for centuries to place the body’s chemistry to rights. These methods were meant to restore the body’s proper pH, supply the nutrients needed to correct the underlying imbalance in the body cells, return the body to appropriate health, and so enable it to cope with whatever symptoms exist.

  • External factors like toxins and stress. It’s a fact that the body has countless methods of manifesting sickness.
  • Each person undergoes toxins or stresses peculiar to their own lifestyle (e.g. cigarette smoke, asbestos fibers, wood treatment chemicals or anything ). These toxins and stresses can create unique effects on the system.

When one realises that our categorized ailments are just varied manifestations of an imbalance within the body chemistry, it becomes easier to understand what holistic medicine and therapy is all about. Body pH is the index of this acid-alkaline state of the blood. It’s the most important single aspect to be corrected before recovery can proceed.

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This may be achieved in a variety of ways, but primarily by preventing acid-producing foods, correcting nutrient deficiencies, and providing the appropriate balance of healthy foods. These foods are the worst culprits in producing acid reactions in the body and are the reason for much illness and disease in the western world: white bread, white sugar, common salt, soft drinks, artificial colorings and flavorings, over-consumption of red meat and animal fats, hydrogenated fats, deep-fried fats, alcohol, and cigarette smoking.

Consider the typical western diet and you’ll realize why sickness and disease are rampant killers in the west, where lots of people’s daily food consumption comprises almost exclusively the aforementioned products. Consider also that in most third-world states the introduction of the western diet has been followed by an increasing incidence of western disorder.


The holistic approach to healing begins by avoiding all foods which create acid conditions in the body. Many of these foods are so lacking in nutritive value they deplete the body’s vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The body needs to dig into its own shop to discover the elements necessary for digestion, and quite often, due to the poor condition of our food now, that shop has reached rock bottom. In providing what our bodies actually need for the healing and rebuilding procedures, the prime consideration is usability.

Minerals are the body’s ground-floor building blocks and recent research now demonstrates that mineral supplements MUST be provided in a form the body can utilise. This isn’t found in pulverized stone, or in colloidal minerals. In both of them, the particle size is just too big for our cells to use efficiently. The maximum our cells may derive from these sources is about 3 percent. The fresh residue of these minerals is thrown somewhere in the machine, where it increases the weight the body is currently carrying.


What our cells actually need is natural (i.e. angstrom sized) minerals – since these are what the body was designed to use. The organic, angstrom particle size is in fact 10,000 times smaller than a micron. Minerals in fruits and plants are naturally angstrom sized, and this is why so many of the natural plant formulations are assisting people with health issues. You will discover that all of these natural products have one element in common – they aren’t the end product of our modern agricultural systems.

This is because the depleted nature of our agricultural lands can’t supply the minerals and trace minerals our bodies need at the quality and proportions that they have been designed for. Without a single exception, all these new products are derived from the sea, or by virgin soils that still maintain their life-giving nutrients. This is a massive lesson that we will need to learn, and learn fast. Unnatural compounds are destroying our planet, and they’re destroying us.