Janet P was angry at the amount of colds she’d caught in the past couple of months. It seemed that she’d hardly got more than one when another one came. Then she got flu and could not seem to shake it. She eventually went to the doctor and asked him what was wrong, and if there was anything she could do. After checking her over he told her that her immune system was weak and was not able to correctly overcome all of the germs she was encountering.


She should make an effort to strengthen it. Your immune system is, indeed, among the main systems in the body. Every day your body is assaulted by millions of infectious germs and they need to be ruined before they create serious issues. Two of the most common of the microbes are viruses and bacteria. A weakened immune system will still fight them, but it is not quite as effective as an immune system that’s strong and healthy – or even better – supercharged. In addition, it is important to not forget that your immune system not only protects you from colds and flu, in addition, it plays an essential role in regard to heart disease as well as the initiation of cancer.

The initiation of cancer is a relatively complicated process, but it is well known that both free radicals and radicals are involved. The particles of the immune system scour the body searching for free radicals, radicals, bacteria, viruses and other germs, and if they find them they ruin them. But if your system is weak, a number of these items will slip through, undetected. Let’s begin by taking a look at the things that weaken your immune system. The first and foremost is poor nutrition, and I’ll discuss it in detail below.

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Moreover, however, any or all the following things may also weaken it. I’ll take a look at each of these in turn, and discuss the best way to conquer them. Let’s begin with nourishment. Vitamins and minerals are one the significant things that supercharge it, therefore it is important to get enough of the appropriate kinds. They are most abundant in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, berries and seeds.

Berries are also great, and a few of the best are blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Finally, whole grains, nuts and seeds are important. And some of the best nuts and seeds are flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and almonds. It’s also essential to be sure that you avoid certain foods. Diet is, of course, just the first step. Moreover you need to decrease the stress in your life. Everyone has stress, but it is not so much the stress you experience, but how you manage it. You need to learn how to take it in stride, not let it worry you. Relaxation is particularly helpful: you need to spend a minimum of 20 minutes every day relaxing or doing things that completely relax you.

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Moreover, exercise is among the best things you can do to supercharge your immune system. No more than 30 minutes a day can make a difference. Both aerobic and weight training are useful. And because overweight (especially, obesity) is harmful to your immune system, exercise will also help you . It is, in actuality, essential that you drop any extra weight you have if you would like to supercharge you system. Finally, there is sleep. Lack of sleep seriously affects your immune system and you need to do something about it if this is an issue for you. Make certain that you get at least seven hours per night.