Since summer is not far away, I felt that I must get everyone ready. Growing up in South Florida the three predictable visitors were fleas, mosquitoes and hurricanes. We had horrible problems with fleas. Our puppies would itch and itch all day long. We’d bath them with flea soaps on a regular basis but it was a constant struggle.

Ce se întâmplă?

Now, with two dogs of my own, it is a completely different story. You might feel that I will go over the wonders of modern flea and tick killers. Actually the solution to our flea problem rests in where we live. It might be difficult for many to believe, but there are actually areas where fleas simply don’t survive well. Fleas love humidity and moisture that’s something we do not have much of this in San Diego.

My wife used to wonder why our puppies were so itch free (she grew up in Northern California). Upon doing some research for my website, I came across the striking fact that fleas can not survive without moisture. Their shells are simply too delicate and they dry up. Eggs require relative humidity of 70-75 per cent to hatch, and larvae require at least 50% humidity to survive. In humid regions, about 20 percent of the eggs survive to maturity; in arid areas, less than five percent finish the cycle.

Flea problem

Although the flea problem into some might be or seem trivial, it certainly is not. If you have ever seen a creature infested with fleas, it may be a heart wrenching experience. The pain and distress they undergo is horrible. One of the sad parts of the problem is that owners will undergo using severe poisons with complete abandon to get rid of the issue. To some degree it’s understandable but it’s also dangerously naïve. Toxic substances or toxins kill.

There’s no way around that situation. Having a dog ingest, either orally or via the blood stream via the skin or respiration, a toxin will have adverse consequences. Because problems are not immediately apparent does not mean they won’t ever step to the fore. Information is coming to light that the top flea prevention products are being connected to some serious health issues.

E bine de știut

What exactly do you do if you’ve got serious flea issues but don’t wish to become hooked on products such as Frontline or Advantage (which I believe are amazingly powerful but also poisonous products)? First, always use the smallest quantity of any compound, pills, or toxins possible (obviously ask your vet and utilize your discrimination for all remedies and issues). Second detoxification is absolutely crucial. The issue with chemicals is they remain in the system and are not eliminated or processed.

This is because the organs (like the kidneys and liver ) are overloaded from the foreign chemistry. It’s analogous to getting honey from a jar. The honey sticks into the jar despite all of the vibration, tilting, scraping, etc.. You must flush out the jar to the honey to get completely out. The same goes for any animal that has undergone chemical exposure. The compounds must be flushed out of the system and removed (usually through urine or gut but can also be through their skin, ear wax, uterus, etc).

Fortunately, there are numerous method and products for detox which could help out with the elimination of unnecessary chemicals and toxins. Third, improve diet and elimination. Eating as healthy as possible is critical at all times but especially when experiencing intense chemical stress. Eating healthy means something for many animals, human or pet. It means healthy chemical free, no herbicides, no pesticides, free selection, and uncooked foods. For dogs which means raw bones, meats, vegetables, fruits, and some grains.

Știați că?

Processed foods aren’t good. There’s absolutely not any way to state it more clearly. More”vitamins”,”minerals”, and fillers don’t make foods healthy. They really give the impression of health where little exists. Fourth, use natural alternatives. There are numerous natural flea control products. In combination, they provide assistance in reducing the difficulties. For instance, garlic not only helps dogs of fleas but it also helps your dogs immune system. Brewer’s yeast is a superb source of amino acids and Vitamin B in addition to a fantastic flea fighter.

A very little known, but historical, flea fighter is neem oil. I suggest everything from neem soap. Other organic products which help include comfrey, citronella, pennyroyal, eucalyptus, and borate (powder great for carpet treatment). Two choices that work well for curing are homeopathy and Chinese herbs. Fifth, cut the humidity.

Fleas survive on humidity. This choice can be virtually impossible if your cat or dog is an outdoor pet. For indoor pets, you might choose to use a dehumidifier and find that humidity to as near 10%-20% as you can. You’ll be amazed by the results and your dog may come to appreciate your dehumidifier over you. With summer on its way, the fleas will be . However, with good preparation you can put a significant dent in the misery they cause you and your pet.