There’s Absolutely No comparison..BREAST REALLY IS BEST! However in today’s society where many moms are finding themselves needing to return to work and with some not taking their entire maternity leave because of financial constraints placed upon them, this makes finding the time and the ability to breast feed an extremely tough choice and bottle feeding the only option available to them.

Să începem.

Many folks look back on moms who find themselves unable to breast feed and see the mother as depriving the child. There’s been a decrease in the amount of babies that are breastfed in the past several years and this figure drops dramatically following the ages of four weeks. This has prompted the authorities to start a campaign for more mothers to breast feed their kids.

The government would like to promote and encourage mothers to breast feed their infants and to keep on doing so after their infant has beyond their first phase and is moving towards solid foods. Breast milk provides all the critical nutrients a baby needs. There’s absolutely not any requirement for vitamin or other nutritional supplements to be introduced into the infants diet when breastfeeding.

Breast milk

It can also protect them from infections. After giving birth a baby usually needs fed within an hour after delivery. Breast milk in this time produces a chemical known as’Colostrum’ that is a yellow transparent fluid. This material lasts for approximately the first 3 times and is full of high levels of protein and anti bodies that the baby needs. This fluid also contains less fat and a baby weaned on’Colostrum’ is more likely to resist the viruses and germs which can cause illness.

Additionally, it helps to develop a healthy immune system and protects the infant against disease by supplying essential anti bodies and development factors. After the first couple of days a mother’s milk varies in colour and consistency. This being because of a change in the moms hormones. This milk is of a thinner consistency and is normally blue-white in color.

Știați că?

A moms milk constantly changes as both the infant and the mother grows. This helps to ensure that the mother’s milk is designed to fulfill the digestive and nutritional needs of their growing baby. An infant’s digestive system is far from developed when a baby is born and this even more so in premature infants. Breast milk can aid and assist the breakdown of the important nutrition ensuring the infant’s needs are met.

Breast feeding may also prevent diarrhea, ear and urinary tract infections. It can also reduce blood pressure. Breast fed babies also have a lower rate of contracting meningitis or acute blood infections. Breastfeeding your baby can boost their IQ levels. This being because of the essential fatty acids and minerals found in the breast milk. A baby who’s breast fed can practically never becomes allergic to their mothers milk. Breast fed milk helps to ensure that the infant is exposed to fewer allergens and helps protect against allergies that are found in capsule.

Notă finală

Although it’s difficult to track how much breast milk a baby is getting, it’s shown that it’s nearly impossible to over feed a breast fed infant. A mother who breast feeds usually develops a closeness to her child. This has enormous psychological benefits for both child and mother. Breast milk is FREE, CONVENIENT and NATURAL! It’s always there and you do not have to carry around cumbersome bottles and equipment.

There are hardly any disadvantages in breastfeeding. The principal disadvantage is that the mom must be there to give milk at all times. The may produce the mother exhausted and anxious. She may find that she has to plan her schedule very thoroughly and when going out with the infant ensure there are suitable mother and infant rooms available. Mothers may realize that their milk dries up and can develop bloated or cracked nipples. When a mom finds their milk has dried up they might discover that this may cause some emotional issues as the mother may feel unable to’provide for her baby’.