Scientists, philosophers, and mystics have been attempting to understand the essence of the soul since the beginning of time. This paper won’t be able to provide a definitive explanation of the soul since it transcends human experience. However, it is going to explain how you can wake up your Spirit and join with your spirit.

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Theologians describe the soul as the transcendental dimension of human existence and explain that human beings aren’t a soul separate from their body, but instead a soul and a body that’s immortal. This explanation is totally consistent with scientific research. From the moment of conception, when a very small drop of human protoplasm unites with an egg, life in bodily form starts, but our greater reality, (soul) is directing the procedure.

Where do the molecules, electrons, atoms, and sub-atomic particles which are generated when the seed and egg unite come from? Why does the heart start to beat at the particular moment it starts to conquer and cause a lifetime to start? What causes the heart to start to beat at the moment? Einstein and his scientific compatriots have concluded that there isn’t any absolute, definitive particle in the origin of sub-atomic particles.

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The origin of those sub-atomic particles, the spirit, is an invisible domain of an unbounded spiritual field of energy vibrating so fast that it defies measurement and monitoring and is responsible for the formation of the human body. It’s present before conception and will remain immortal after death. It’s a individual’s link to their divine source. It’s also known by some as the Self, Higher Self, Intention, Source Energy, Non Local Field of Intelligence, Subtle Body, or Spirit. It’s the part of the brain that hears the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

Three quick and easy ways someone can wake up their Spirit and connect with their spirit are through meditation, following their intuition, and an awareness of divine providence through coincidences. These aren’t the only ways one can connect with their spirit, but will be the focus of the paper. The objective of any meditation technique is to quiet or remove one’s conscious thoughts to quiet the mind so they may be open to experiencing and reflecting on the Presence and action of God dwelling within them.


Two frequent meditation methods involve either focusing on ones breath or repeating a mantra like the sound “ah”. The “ah” sound is a helpful mantra since it’s a frequent noise for the Ultimate Reality. For instance Krisha, Nirvana, Taku Wakan, Yahweh, Allah, Braham, Atman, and God all share the”ah” sound. One of the numerous positive effects of meditation is a deeper level of awareness and willingness to what God is attempting to convey to a person. When a individual quiets their thoughts and gets rid of the desires of the self, the “voice” that is shown is God, however one may understand God.

For example, some refer to God as Spirit, Universe, Ultimate Reality, Yahweh, Source, Brahman, Oneness, Divine, Sacred. All these terms refer to some supernatural creative presence. God communicates to people everyday through a individual’s intuition if someone chooses to make a conscious effort to know it. Intuition can be described as a gut feeling, gut instinct, after ones heart, hunches, guiding light, inspiration, or the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

It’s frequently an ineffable experience or communication of divine understanding at a deeper level which might not always be rational, logical, or simple to express since it often exceeds ordinary human perception, feelings, and sensations. Still, meditation allows one to associate with their soul and be more aware of what God’s divine purpose is for them.

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Does meditation enable one to be more conscious of their internal dialogue between you and God, but in addition, it enables one to have greater awareness of how Divine Providence is shown through external events, items, and observations. Karl Rahner described this process as”experiencing ourselves as a topic radically open to God.” Carl Jung and Deepak Chopra clarify this as synchronicity. This religious theory is consistent with the science of the Chaos theory.

Scientific research of the chaos theory has shown there are no random events in nature and every single event is connected to every other thing and event in character. Atheists often assert that the world is full of a chaotic configuration of random events, scenarios, and coincidences that don’t have any spiritual meaning, connection, or connection to one another. They think the world’s creation is completely arbitrary without a greater spiritual explanation.

However, those that are connected with their spirit can find inspiration by trusting and knowing that a “coincidence” is only one illustration of how God draws attention to the aims of every individual’s divine purpose. Examples of Divine Providence may include the perfect person coming to one’s life in the exact right time, reading a book or watching a film with a theme or message that’s applicable to a individual’s particular life circumstance at that specific time, or some other so called random event, person, or thing that draws attention to or contributes to a greater comprehension of exactly what his or her true divine purpose is.


True intuition generates light, energy, and love. Conversely, ones ego generates anxiety, grievances, and conflict. These feelings generated by ones self aren’t necessarily wrong, bad, or rare. Occasionally, the thoughts created by the ego can be useful signals that indicate the specific thought or action that’s generating these low energy ideas or activity can be forgiven and replaced with a more enabling, lively, or loving thought or activity. While it may be an arduous process occasionally, the result of linking to someone’s soul is discovering one’s true purpose that finally contributes to a life full of plenty of love and happiness.

One of the core messages of the bible is: The Kingdom of Heaven is within. God is love, “and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in Me and I him”. Or as Ralph Waldo Emerson said,”Love is our greatest word and the synonym for God.” Thus, when somebody connects to their soul, he or she’s experiencing God dwelling within them and that’s an experience of unconditional love. Consequently, when one is attached to their soul and adventures that this unconditional love, he or she’s frequently transferred to spread this love by living a life focused on service and kindness to others. Additionally, this practice of loving others provides one with extreme feelings of ineffable serenity and lush bliss. This has also been shown by scientific research.

Research indicates that simple acts of kindness enhances the function of the immune system and stimulates the production of dopamine in the receiver of the kindness and the individual extending the kindness. Additionally, even persons celebrating the action of kindness have similar outcomes. Serotonin is a naturally occurring substance in the body which makes people more comfortable, calm, and even blissful. Most antidepressants are taken so as to trigger the production of serotonin chemically to decrease depression.


These scientific discoveries are in accord with the cliché religious dictums: “You reap what you sow.” Or”It’s only through giving that we receive.” The interesting paradox is that the more one loves and gives to others, the more one will get love in return. In Power vs. Force, Dr. Hawkins summarizes this point by describing. Swami Paramananda clarified, “Self-realization means that we’ve been actively linked with our Source of being. Once we have this link, then nothing can go wrong…” These strong words have extraordinary consequences. Once a person chooses to associate with their soul, they become aware of the true divine nature and experience the joy, peace, and love of God who has always been living within them. As one encounters God dwelling in their soul, he or she’s unselfishly motivated to disperse these high energy feelings of love to everyone they come into contact with, which in return prompts an abundant, mutual succession of giving and getting extra peace, joy, and love.