Electromedicine is described as a subject within the field of medicine which uses energy and electronics technologies to assist in the treatment of many different physical symptoms, ailments and disease conditions. Electromedicine admits that the body is largely electric and some kind of power is found naturally in most of us and controls the function of every cell of our bodies and a huge array of electrical impulses in our bodies help ease all physiological functions including all actions required for health maintenance, regeneration and healing.

Electric impulses

By transmitting and conditioning the tissues of the body with harmonic electric impulses which occur in an ideal state of lively health, we can help balance and direct those impulses. Although electromedicine has existed since the late 1800’s, the management and profits of traditional medicine, namely operation and medication, has overshadowed and forced into the background many viable choices and treatments that provide, many times, better results and, many times, less side effects. The historical improvements in electromedicine technology make it a safer, and more apparently effective choice.

Some of the most recent technology have allowed us to see noticeable improvement in a larger range of symptoms and in more severe ailments. The most innovative, such as the Photon-Genie by Ed Skilling, are becoming a substantial complement to other treatments without unwanted side effects. Electromedicine was first recorded in 1890 in the American Electro-Therapeutic Association’s annual conventions on the therapeutic use of electricity and electrical devices by doctors on ailing patients.

Wussten Sie das?

  • Nikola Tesla – in 1895 discovered alternating current and invented the AC generator, published many papers, and devised numerous electrical devices such as Tesla coil treatment instruments.
  • Alexander Gurvich – in 1922 found “biophotons” and “mitogenic” “mitotic” waves. His job is the first documented evidence of “biophotons,” and became the foundation for the design of later bioelectromagnetic therapy apparatus.
  • Royal Raymond Rife – in the 1930’s demonstrated how his frequency study and mitogenic impulse-wave technology (specifications in public domain) could cure cancer.
  • Ed Skilling – 1950’s break through discoveries with space-age electronic equipment, transmission and communicating with the cells and the body’s immune system; results supercede all prior electromedicine technologies.

Ed Skilling’s work with advanced electronics in the late 1950’s leads to a quantum jump in electromedicine. His discoveries take the outcomes of electromedicine to a new and deep level by communicating with the cells of the human body utilizing harmonic energy instincts and by introducing the harmonic balance and flow of life-force energy through the body. This harmonic energy communication activates and directs the balanced energetic use of the cells of their body. This lively communication functions at the cellular level and orchestrates more balanced and empowered function of organs and systems of the body.

Wir wollen es verstehen

From the interior, these harmonics enable the body’s immune system to overcome diseases and other body disorders and imbalances. Prior electromedicine technology such as Rife specifications (still used today) functions with “frequencies” which don’t penetrate the body at the cellular level. The problem is in the way our bodies are made. The human body is made “resistant” to protect us from things flying around the world such as ultra-violet rays and microwaves, etc.. The proof is in the way we could lay out in 100 plus degree sunlight and burn our skin, not harm our brain, kidneys, liver, or internal organs.

While this is a blessing which protects us , it’s a difficulty in treating, attaining and enhancing internal organs and functions of the human body. This is primarily why previous technologies that essentially”zapped” the surface of the body got limited results which weren’t consistent for everybody. Skilling’s breakthrough technology affects this and enhances results more clearly than any technology of yesteryear.


His technology transmits life-force energy (the sort of energy from the cells, and organic cellular energy that the cells use to communicate with one another ) and accomplishes energetic communication with all the organs and organs of the body at the cellular level in harmony with the “impedance” (resistance) of the body. The Skilling technology, unlike most before, accomplishes communication with the body at the cellular level, moves and balances body fluids (like the lymph system), re-flows all of the nerve pathways, enhances natural regeneration, balances and boosts the immune system. Since the late 1950’s, Ed Skilling has innovated and engineered several electromedicine technologies. The culmination of his breakthroughs and improvements is available from the”updated” Photon Genie electromedicine instrument.