In this report we are going to talk about one of the most dangerous things that your child can run into in a daycare centre, disease. Let’s face it. There are more germs on the planet than we know what to do with and not one of us lives in a bubble. So the danger of disease is always there no matter where we go. Unfortunately, this is a much worse problem at a daycare centre for a lot of reasons.

Let’s see…

To begin with, the amount of things a kid can run into in a daycare centre are astronomical. A brief list includes diarrhea, diphtheria, foodborne diseases, mumps, measles, chicken pox, and the list continues on and on. Just get a medical dictionary. At a daycare centre your child has a great prospect of getting it. The question is why? The solution is compounded by several factors. For starters, most kids who go to daycare come from poorer families where both parents need to work, or even single parent homes.

These families do not have the funds or the medical care to receive their children properly immunized against certain childhood diseases. Others just don’t have the time or money to take their kid to the doctor whenever they catch a cold. Left untreated, these mild problems soon become more critical issues. With all these kids exposed to one another, the prospect of a person passing along a nasty bug to your child is really excellent. Frequently you will hear of epidemics breaking out in these facilities as a result of this very problem.

Nutritional factor

Another factor is that most kids who go to daycare do not get the proper nourishment they need. This lowers their resistance to disease because their immune systems are not as strong as they ought to be. Again, this goes back to the parent not having the funds necessary to properly feed their child. And finally, the last element is the daycare centre itself. Many are poorly heated due to funding issues. Also, due to low salaries it’s challenging to find qualified health professionals. Most of these folks are working for minimum wage and need the cash.

So if they get ill, because lots of these places do not have benefits, they must come to work or they do not get paid. These workers wind up passing along whatever it is they have for your child. Unfortunately, there isn’t actually a lot you can do to protect your child against becoming sick while in the care of a daycare centre.


The best advice anyone can give is common sense information. Feed your child in addition to possible given your budget. Ensure that your child at least has had all of the normal vaccinations. If your child becomes ill, bring him to the doctor straight away. Don’t wait until things get worse. As far as the daycare centre itself, search for one which has a fantastic history. No, we do not reside in a bubble. But by taking some common sense steps we could give our child the best chance of not coming home from daycare with some horrible illness.