Ayurveda is an ideal ancient science of life; the term Ayur literally means life and Veda the knowledge or science. Ayurveda briefly explains the understanding of the do’s and don’ts one needs to follow, which simulates the wellbeing of every individual to lead a healthy, happy, comfortable and beneficial lifestyle both physically, socially and emotionally.


It also highlights that prevention is much better than cure. Kerala’s equable climate, natural abundance of forests (with a wealth of herbs and medicinal plants), and the cool monsoon season (June – November) are best suited for Ayurveda’s curative and restorative programs. In actuality, now Kerala is the only state in India, which practices this system of medicine with absolute dedication.

Rejuvenate your body, mind and soul by taking Ayurveda treatment atleast once in your lifetime. It is possible to take body rejuvenation therapy for seven days, 14 days or 28 days. For those who have particular disease, please email us and we’ll send you the treatment and the length.


It’s just one among the rare and exceptional treatments of Kerala. In this treatment, lukewarm herbal oils are applied all over the body by two to four trained therapists in a special rhythmic way continuously for about 60 to 90 minutes every day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This therapy is done in a unique table made from one piece of Strychnos Nuxvomica wood.


it’s a kind of sudation process where the entire body or any particular part there of is made to perspire by the use of specific medicinal puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in muslin bag.

Two to four masseurs apply this for approximately 60 to 90 minutes every day for a period of 14 days. This treatment is for all types of rheumatism, pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs, high blood pressure, higher cholesterol and certain type of skin diseases.


Sira – signifies Head and Dhara means the constant flow of a liquid. In this process some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk , are poured on the forehead in a special method of approximately 40 minutes a day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This treatment is mainly for insomnia, loss of memory, headaches, mental tention and certain skin diseases.


Otherwise Called Medicated Enema. Vasthi is a Therapeutic process in which particular herbal oils, herbal extracts, etc are applied through the rectum daily for a period of 5 to 25 days. This therapy is effective for arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, numbness, gastric complaints, rheumatism and chronic constipation.


Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head and held for 15 to 60 minutes per day according to the patient’s conditions for a period of 07 days. This therapy is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches and other ailments of the mind.


This therapy is otherwise called Powder Massage. This is found very helpful in the obesity, hemiplegia, paralysis, skin diseases, impaired flow etc and similar ailments. In this process 2 therapists employ certain special Herbal Powders in a peculiar way in your body for around 30 to 40 minutes per day for a period of 14 to 28 days.


This is a special type of oil massage in which strokes arte given based on the circulatory channels for 45 minutes every day for 14 days. This therapy is very useful for obesity, loss of skin luster, insomnia and fatigue.


Being one of the Panchakarma procedures, Nasyam is a treatment where herbal juices, medicated oils , are applied through nose for 7 to 14 days.


Herbal powders or leaves are made in boluses and are implemented on the entire body or a part defined after dipping it in warm medicated oils. This can be done for 45 minutes each day for a period of 07 to 14 days.

Sandhi Vatha Chikilsa

Unlike the contemporary medicine Ayurveda has quite powerful remedies for Arthritic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteo arthritis, ankylosing spondylosis, cervical spondylosis, osteo porosis etc.. This programme includes massage, lepanam, and oil application on affected parts, kizhi, steam bath, snehavasthy, kakshaya vasthy, pizhichil, njavarakizhi, snehapanam and internal medications.


This term literally means oral consumption of medicated oils or ghee preparations. This can be done as a therapeutic process and also as a procedure during the entire body purification therapy. In this Treatment medicated ghee or oils are given internally in proportionally increasing quantity for a period of 08 – 12 days. This treatment is quite effective for osteo arthritis, psoriasis chronic constipation, haemorrhoids etc,.

Dahanyamla Dhara

Warm herbal liquid is poured all over the body in rhythmic way with a unique vessel. This can be done for 45 minutes to 01 hour every day.


Herbal oil and decoction are applied through the vaginal root, this therapy is great for gynecological disorders. It’s also a purification process for genital organ.


In this process specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept over the lower back with herbal paste boundary. This treatment lasts for 45 minutes to 01 hour and it’s good for any sort of back pain and spinal disorders.


Like Kativasthi warm medicated oil is kept over the chest for 45 minutes. This is an effective remedy for Asthma, other respiratory difficulty, heart diseases and muscular chest pain.


This is a special process where a mix for medicinal decoction and cows milk is heated and the steam thus liberated is passed into a tube and applied over the affected region or entire body. This is found very effective for facial palsies, speech disorders, ptosis and various nervous disorders.


Special powder mixed with medicated oil is applied on the surface of the head for 20 to 45 minutes.


Various medicinal herbs chosen according to dosha predominance is made into a paste and applied to the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes. This treatment is excellent for insomnia, premature, greying and other issues to the scalp and hair.

Swasa Kasa Chikilsa

Respiratory ailments like bronchill asthma, prolonged cough, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis etc, can be very effectively treated in Ayurveda. This system includes body massage, urovasti, pizhichil, podikizhi, snehavashti, kashaya vasthy, nasyam and inner Ayurvedic medicines.


Ayurveda, the understanding of the life isn’t just associated with the body, but with the mind and soul too, this specific treatment system is very much helpful for ailments like insomnia (lack of sleep), anxiety and it enhances resistance and self confidence. This therapy program includes body massages, shirovasthy, ksheeradhara, thailadhara, thalam, thalapothichil and inner Ayurvedic medicines, meditation and yoga.

Psoriasis Treatment Program

( Sidhma Chikilsa)- Ayurveda forms really effective treatment for all sort of psoriasis and several other skin diseases. This unique Ayurvedic treatment program last for 21 to 28 days. This program consists of specific lepanam, abhyangan, snehapanam, pizhichil, medicated steam bath, shirovasty, exclusievely ready internal herbal medicines together with yoga meditation because, Ayurveda accent that most ailments are psychosomatic.