IBS treatment shouldn’t be based on treating an autoimmune disorder. IBS, in addition to Crohn’s disease, leaky gut syndrome, and colitis aren’t auto-immune diseases. The related symptoms that people experience with these disorders are a reaction of the immune system, but it isn’t the cause. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and the presence of mucous and blood in the stool has its root cause in a different area.


Although you might be diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, a physician will typically be unable to explain its origin to you. The simple truth is that this problem is readily explained. It’s just the digestive juices eating away the liner in your colon. The reason for the lining becoming poorer is frequently antibiotic medication. Once a hole develops, sterile material slips through the hole and enters your blood stream. At this time, your immune system kicks in and strikes the food particle as an invader in the bloodstream. It’s the immune system which acts in a manner that produces the symptoms related to a condition such as IBS or Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s disease

The main cause however, isn’t the immune system, but the liner in the intestines. When you see a doctor, he’ll realize that the immune system is causing the issue but may not recognize what’s activating the immune system’s response. This may result in improper treatment with drugs designed to suppress the immune system rather than treating the issue of corrosion of the intestinal lining. The result for a patient in this scenario is that the problem will get worse, not better. If the damage to the liner gets to the point where it’s life-threatening, your physician will recommend surgery to remove parts of the intestine.

This operation can be prevented, if just a physician would offer a correct diagnosis from the start. Treatment should centre on conserving the lining of the colon until it gets too late for anything but operation. Once you understand the cause, IBS therapy becomes much easier and powerful. The secret to getting this treatment would be to seek out an alternate option, like another opinion from a naturopathic physician who doesn’t make a diagnosis based upon traditional medical approaches. This sort of physician will be able to understand your problem.


They diagnose from a different perspective and are constantly devoted to the Hippocratic Oath that places the individual with a commitment to doing no harm. Another opinion should make sense. When a physician prescribes drugs to suppress your immune system and this contributes to a worse condition, it stands to reason that the treatment isn’t working or there’s been a misdiagnosis. Always ask questions about your condition and insist on getting answers.

To conclude, IBS isn’t an autoimmune disease of any sort. There’s absolutely no reason to permit your body to deteriorate from this ailment. The explanations for your symptoms are known by naturopathic doctors. It is possible to reverse the course of the disorder and begin to improve. It’s merely a matter of seeking out and employing the help of a doctor that knows how to proscribe a successful IBS treatment program.