Have you got gastrointestinal problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Colitis, Crohns Disease, Acid Reflux Disease, among others? Are you sick (literally) and tired of going from doctor to doctor only to be given a prescription slide and pushed out the door? Do you like the numerous side effects these meds cause?

Did you know?

Are you searching for a solution to the issue rather than covering it up with medication, or eliminating it with operation? Then try holistic medicine. I am quite delighted to see that our country slowly catching on to the idea that natural medicine is the better thing to do. It angers me that insurers (who we pay premiums to) don’t give us the option to choose what path we wish to take to cure ourselves.

Holistic medicine isn’t cheap because there are hardly any insurance companies that cover your workplace visits, and not one that I am conscious that aids with nutritional supplements used by holistic physicians. Now do not get me wrong, modern medicine has its place in this world, and heaven knows all the good it has done for humanity, but there’s a limit to how far it should go in treating health conditions.

Modern medicine

It knows next to nothing about the digestive system and how to repair it when it’s in duress. Just ask any individual suffering from any of the conditions listed above. The old saying of you do not have anything if you don’t have your health is a very true statement. I suffered with Crohn’s Disease for 5 years until I started going to a holistic physician. I went through two colonoscopies, and seen 3 unique gastroenterologists.

The first physician performed my first colonoscopy, and found a mass of tissue near my ileocecal valve. The tissue biopsy he took came back negative for cancer (thank the Lord), but they couldn’t tell exactly what the tissue was. He referred me to another gastroenterologist who in my first trip, told me flat out that he wanted to do was cut me open and remove the mass so he could attempt to determine what it was. Obviously that my wife and I left his office never to return! Only later did we find out that he was a surgical gastroenterologist, so that is all he knew how to do was cut people open and eliminate their insides (reassuring I know).

What is next?

The next doctor I seen was a medical gastroenterologist. He also wished to perform a colonoscopy, also discovered more tissue masses . When I asked him what caused my condition, he explained that medical science doesn’t know what causes these types of conditions, but understands how to control them marginally. He wrote me a prescription for a steroid medicine, and sent me out the door. Thus began my crusade to determine what was happening with my body and why. I never did take some of the steroid medicine that last doctor prescribed me, since I had enough sense to get online and begin exploring what it was he had been wanting me to take and exactly what it did.

The medication is an immune suppressant. You see people with digestive problems often times have a more active immune system, thus triggering inflammation throughout the digestive tract. The steroid inhibits the immune function to decrease inflammation. It does nothing to get rid of what’s causing the inflammation, simply masking the consequences. To fully understand how the body becomes affected with these digestive problems you will need to know how the digestive system works in combination with the rest of the body.

The digestive tract has been known as the body’s second brain since there are more nerve endings in the digestive tract than the brain itself. Without it had been dead! New research suggests that many diseases of the human body are due to a failure somewhere in the digestive tract. So if you’re afflicted with a severe gastrointestinal problem, and you take a medication that masks the issue rather than fixing (and has the potential of severe side effects that include may other ailments ), certain you symptoms may subside for some time, but in the meantime your condition will worsen or spread!

Holistic treatmnet

Finally I decided to go to a holistic physician. It was the smartest thing I’ve ever done for my health! My doctor knew more on the way the body functions, and all of the organic compounds it utilizes and more especially what organs used them, than any medical doctor I’ve ever been to! I was on my way to recovery after my initial trip. I had a plan on how best to recover my health. It was not a prescription for some drug he gets kickbacks from the drug companies for prescribing, it was a professionally planned regiment of pure compounds that could kill parasitic infections, reduce my inflammation, help in digestion of meals, and nourish my body with the crucial vitamins and minerals I had been seriously lacking.

Yes it took me well over a year to get myself back to normal. You need to take into consideration the fact that I was living with different parasites in my digestive system for many years to reach the stage I was at, so there isn’t any way I’d heal overnight. You know its funny how over the years all of my doctors said that I had IBS, which I had to eat more fiber. If only I’d known about holistic medicine back then! Sure holistic medicine is expensive, but can you really set a price on your health and wellbeing? I sure can not, it’s been worth every penny.

Do your research!

Wherever you go and what you do, there’s always going to be somebody with a horror story about a holistic physician, or maybe a modern medication MD.. It’s just inevitable, people make mistakes daily. All I will say is this: do your own research! Find a holistic doctor that’s highly recommended, Answer some of the questions with complete honesty, stick to the regiments they give you (to the T) and always be a well informed patient! If the doctor you go to makes you uncomfortable, do not return! Find someone you’re comfortable with. Trust your instincts! Your reading this are not you? Your instincts have brought you this way, looking for answers a medical doctor couldn’t give you. Keep going! Keep digging! You deserve to feel normal again!