Our orthodox medical system with their drug foundation medication uses treatments that are poisonous and almost always damages and weakens the body, whereas addressing the reasons why cancer appeared will help the body to cure itself.

Immune system

Our orthodox system of remedies is a cash orientated system using their patented drugs whereas nobody can profit from natural methods to deal with it. Cancer is much like a couple of diseases previously that has plagued mankind like scurvy, rickets and pellagra that were all deficiency diseases. The only way you can conquer these diseases will be to correct the deficiency. The reason why cancer will appear is if something has gone wrong with the immune system since it’s impossible for someone to get cancer unless their immune system was weakened.

The key to solving the issue is not to focus on the development itself but to fortify the immune system that enabled these growths to appear which means a change to a healthier diet and a healthier lifestyle. That’s why our current treatments of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation often don’t work. Unfortunately there’s not any money to be made from damaging the body naturally and that is why it will not be provided by our profit driven medical system.

Take into account

Cancer seldom has one cause but almost always many contributing factors. A hundred years ago it was a rare disorder but now it’s different and it’s caused due to the way we’re now living. Our diets today include many processed foods and they contribute to cancer. We also lead a more sedentary lifestyle thanks to motorcars and other labor saving devices which also influences cancer. Then there are the chemicals we use, particularly those we apply to our own body and believing them to be secure and they do cause us damage.

We are what we eat, that isour state of health is directly related to what we put in our mouth. Many folks spend most of their lives abusing their own bodies by eat junk food and not exercising then expect their physicians to give them a pill to take care of the issue. There’s absolutely not any such thing as a pill to fix a problem brought on by bad diets. To recover the health of your immune system that will eliminate cancer you want to turn to Mother Nature as only character must respond to your problem.

Final note

There’s not any other way. With cancer there’s been a quick and easy cure and there’s certainly not a pill or a remedy which can heal anyone. It’s your choice to do something about it, not your physician. Doctors represent the pharmaceutical sector and will only offer you remedies from those industries. They’ve a money interest on your disease so that’s the only options you’ll be offered. There’s absolutely not any use in weakening the immune system further in an effort to eliminate cancer because that is only going to make it grow again. A much better method is to deny any toxic therapy and instead take care of the entire body which can help you overcome the issue. It works for many cancers and works for everybody.