When most experts discuss diabetes, they concentrate mainly on blood glucose level. However, new research shows inflammation plays a significant role in diabetes. This guide will pinpoint the main truth about inflammation and its role in the progression of diabetes. Also, it is going to supply you advice about anti-inflammatory foods which might help you combat the inflammation in your body. Is our inflammatory reaction good for us?


The inflammatory reaction is the main defense mechanism of the body. Our immune system plays the crucial role in it, and without it, we could not survive as a species. All living organisms on the Earth have some kind of immune system which helps them combat infective germs that cover each cubic inch of the atmosphere and water on Earth. Well, not every inflammatory reaction is great for us. Acute inflammation helps us combat infections (such as the swelling, itching and burning you feel when bit by a mosquito is an inflammatory reaction).It’s a “good inflammation”.

Chronic inflammation

It is the one we wish to fight. It’s a lengthy procedure of low-grade inflammation that affects the hormonal profile of the body and damages the body cells. Chronic inflammation is the procedure that can’t resolve by itself (unlike severe inflammation), and it tends to get worse over time. Chronic inflammation is usually seen in those with body fat. This is also referred to as metabolic inflammation. People with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and psoriasis often have increased chronic inflammation.

What connects inflammation and diabetes? The entire process is quite complex, but let’s put it in simple words. How does insulin work in healthy people? Insulin, the hormone responsible for blood sugar regulation, should bind to its receptor vulnerable on a target cell. Once the insulin molecule “catches” its receptor, the downstream signaling starts (a intricate molecular cascade), the mobile”opens” a number of its transportation stations, transferring blood glucose from the blood into cells, that way lowering the blood glucose level.

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What happens if there’s chronic inflammation in the body? Many studies reveal that inflammatory mediators (those are particular signaling molecules that regulate inflammation intensity) interrupt insulin downstream signaling, so that blood glucose level stays increased for a longer time. This problem is called “insulin resistance,” and it’s “the first step towards diabetes”. What to eat to decrease the chronic inflammation intensity in your system? The food which comprises Omega-3 fatty acids (they are available in flaxseeds, walnuts, walnut oil, fish oils, etc.) can actively cure inflammation by providing essential nutrients which modulate the immune reaction.

Also, blueberries, ginger, chia seeds, turmeric, wild salmon, red peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, olive oil, black beans, spinach, and pineapple are simply a small portion of the food that’s known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. You also need to increase the number of fruit and vegetables into your diet to get all the benefits of fiber.


Keep in mind that, in regards to health, the key is in the balance. A fantastic diet plan and physical activity can allow you to maintain and improve your health. Consistency is another key for to a long and healthy life. Eating healthy two days per week has the identical impact on your health as eating healthy zero days in a week. Be patient, stay constant with healthy habits and before you know it, you’ll see the difference in messages your body sends you.