Les glucides féculents que vous consommez doivent représenter plus de la moitié de l'ensemble des aliments que vous mangez. Si vous n'y parvenez pas, essayez d'ajouter au moins un féculent à chaque repas principal. Les aliments qui contiennent des glucides sont les pommes de terre, le pain, les céréales, le riz et les pâtes. Il est très important de choisir des variétés complètes car elles contiennent plus de fibres et peuvent donc vous aider à vous sentir rassasié plus longtemps.

Le saviez-vous ?

Certaines personnes pensent aujourd'hui que les féculents font grossir, mais le fait est que les glucides contiennent moins de la moitié des calories des graisses. Il est impératif de faire attention au nombre de graisses que vous ajoutez à ces aliments lorsque vous les cuisinez ou les servez, car c'est ce qui augmente leur teneur en calories. Par exemple, les sauces crémeuses sur les pâtes, le pain beurré et l'huile sur les frites. Les fruits et légumes ont une teneur réduite en calories et en graisses, mais sont pleins de fibres.

Ils contiennent également des tonnes de vitamines et de minéraux qui jouent un rôle essentiel en renforçant le système immunitaire de l'organisme pour lutter contre les maladies. Les nutritionnistes recommandent généralement de consommer quotidiennement un mélange de différents fruits et légumes. C'est plus simple qu'il n'y paraît. L'organisme a besoin d'un peu de graisse pour fournir les acides gras essentiels et faciliter l'absorption des vitamines liposolubles, mais un excès de graisse contribue souvent à la prise de poids.

Gardez à l'esprit

Ainsi, pour être certain de suivre un régime, il suffit de remplacer les graisses saturées par les graisses insaturées que l'on trouve dans les poissons gras, les huiles végétales, les graines, les noix et les avocats. Les graisses saturées contenues dans le beurre, les pâtisseries, le saindoux, les tartes, la crème et le fromage peuvent augmenter votre taux de cholestérol sanguin. Limitez votre consommation de sucre supplémentaire, car une trop grande quantité de sucre, surtout entre les aliments, augmente le risque de carie dentaire et peut ajouter des calories supplémentaires.

Essayez de manger des fruits si vous avez une envie de sucré. Ne vous laissez pas déshydrater lorsque vous êtes en mesure de boire de l'eau. Il est normalement suggéré de boire 6 à 8 verres d'eau par jour, en plus des liquides provenant des aliments que nous consommons. Assurez-vous d'éviter les boissons gazeuses et les sodas sucrés qui ont une teneur élevée en sucres. Ces boissons ne sont pas bonnes pour les dents. En réalité, même les jus de fruits non sucrés ont une teneur élevée en sucre libre, alors faites attention à la quantité que vous buvez chaque jour.

Pensez à vous limiter à un verre de jus de fruits de 150 ml par jour. Ainsi, que vous souhaitiez réduire, maintenir ou augmenter votre poids, les suggestions de régime mentionnées ci-dessus vous permettront de faire des miracles.

Intestine and Colon

It’s often said among traditional / natural doctors that”life and death begins in the colon” since it’s through the intestinal tract which we take in life-sustaining nutrients, and effectively eliminate waste products in the system. When we are working at”peak performance” all is well. Elimination will happen about an hour and a half following a significant meal. A healthy person will have two, possibly three, bowel movements daily.

What exactly happens with the health of most individuals? Unfortunately, those that follow the Standard American Diet consuming acidic beverages, such as sodas, alcohol and caffeine, acidic foods, like all animal foods, especially dairy, refined white flour, rice and sugar, processed and prepared foods, are on the path to dis-ease, degeneration and premature death.

Nutrients are traveling

What is the mechanism involved here? People generally feel that nutrients are consumed traveling through the 22 feet of the small intestine (which is possible, yet most-often hindered) and the large intestine is storage of wastes, anticipating elimination. For those concerned with colon health, it’s a good idea to take into account the character of the upper colon (small intestine)and the colon (large intestine).

The small intestine has zillions of villi (tiny hair-like projections) that absorb nutrients as they pass by. These villi become coated with mucus from animal foods, particularly dairy, refined foods and white flour. These congest the intestinal wall and slow absorption.

Dairy Food

Simply avoiding dairy and white flour and drinking sufficient pure water has turned around many scenarios involving allergies, breathing difficulties, and much more. Why? Out-of-date milk is simmered until the water is cooked off and that which melts would be the thick sticky proteins of milk, that’s subsequently turned into glue. Pasteurized dairy (rather than raw dairy) is congesting to everybody; indeed, some of us are sensitive to raw milk. 1st grade once we made cut-outs and were going to glue them on a sheet of construction paper? I have a bowl of white flour, we will add some water, mix it up and it makes a beautiful paste!

Is your Body responsible for Burning Fat?

The body is responsible for burning fat. It is the process of digesting certain foods that will help to achieve your weight loss goals. You need more energy to exercise to lose weight, but eating the right natural fat-burning foods will help you stay fit and healthy. It takes more energy to digest protein than it does to digest fat. You will burn more fat if you eat more protein.

Are Eggs recommended for Weight Loss?

Eggs are great as they are high in protein, and provide the good cholesterol that your body needs. A daily intake of two eggs is more than the recommended amount. Vitamin B12 is found in eggs, which can be used to help break down fat cells. You can eat more eggs, but keep your cholesterol levels within acceptable limits.

Why do you need Calcium in your Body?

Calcium is good for your bones and helps you burn fat. Dairy products like cheese and milk are great for weight loss. Low-cal diets may be experienced by people who don't drink milk or eat cheese, but they are not as likely to lose weight as those who drink low-fat dairy products.

Is Calcium essential for good Health?

Calcium is essential for good health. Consequently, reducing your intake of dairy products would help to reduce the fat accumulation in your body. This is why low-fat yogurt and non-fat milk are so great.

What Food help you Lose Weight?

Foods that help you lose weight are those that have high levels of iron, protein, and fiber. Beans are a great example. Beans are good for your health, but they can cause gastrointestinal problems. Beans can cause you to eat more beans than other foods.

Why should you prepare Food the proper Way?

Refried beans and baked beans are bad for your health. They also contain saturated fat, which can lead to high levels of cholesterol. Beans cooked in this way won't burn fat. The situation will be made worse by saturated oil. Boil or steam your beans, add a pinch of salt, and you are good to go!

Why to choose Oatmeal in a Diet?

Oatmeal tastes best when it is unsweetened and unflavoured. You can add honey, raisins, or cranberries to oatmeal if you are unable to avoid eating it with sugar and butter. Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, which flushes out harmful digestive acids. Oatmeal reduces cholesterol and burns fat.

Should You Consume Olive Oil on a Diet?

Olive oil, which is mono unsaturated fat acid (MUFA), is one of the best foods to eat if you want to lose weight. It provides 85% of the benefits associated with burning fat daily. It lowers your cholesterol.

What are Whole Grains good for?

Whole grain bread or cereals are work because they have the fiber to do the job and the minerals to keep your body healthy. Avoid wheat-brand products. Sometimes they are just coloured with molasses, but they are not actually whole grains.

What are Facts about Obesity?

Overweight and obesity have been steadily increasing globally over the past few decades. This ugly trend can be attributed to unhealthy dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles. Fast food is quickly replacing our natural, fresh, nutritious diets.

What are Common Causes and Effects of Obesity?

The advent of computers/internet/automobiles courtesy modern technology would mean that we sit all day without any exercise. It is important to note that obesity and overweight are linked to a variety of life-threatening diseases, including hypertension, type-2 diabetes, cancers, and coronary artery disease.

Does Weight Loss help treating Diseases?

A modest weight loss of 5-10% has been shown to be associated with a significant reduction in the overall risk of obesity. A modest weight loss of 5-10% has been shown to be positively associated with a significant decrease in cardiovascular events such as hypertension, stroke, and obesity-associated cardiomyopathies.

Studies have shown that hypertension can be caused by obesity and overweight. A simple weight loss of 5-10% can result in a drop of 5mmHg in both diastolic (systolic) blood pressures.

How are Obesity and Cancer linked?

Obesity has been linked to many types of cancers, including breast, prostate, endometrial and gallbladder. According to a study, obesity was responsible for approximately 34000 new cancer cases and 50500 new cases in the United States in 2007.

A reduction in weight has been shown to be associated with a lower incidence of these types of cancers. A research study found that if each adult reduced their Body Mass Index by 1 percent, approximately 100000 new cases would have been avoided.

How are Obesity and Sleep Issues related?

Obstructive sleep apnoea, bronchial asthma and other respiratory infections are more common in obese people. Weight loss can help reduce your risk. A study found that people with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea who had lost just 10% of their weight saw a significant improvement in their sleep patterns and decreased daytime somnolence.

Can Weight Loss boost your Fertility?

Obesity has been shown to increase the likelihood of developing fertility problems like infertility, erectile disorder, foetal macrosomia (big babies), stillbirth, and erectile dysfunction. Obesity can lead to hormonal imbalances in females, which can cause problems with fertility.

How to start to Lose Weight the best way?

This doesn't sound like new age nonsense. However, with any type of self-improvement (weight loss, training for a new job, or addiction), the journey starts in your mind. Your mental state will determine whether you succeed or fail. Negative attitudes will make it difficult to accomplish your task.

Why is important to have a Plan for Working Out?

Start small if you feel that doing 30 push-ups is too much. Start with 10 pushups and then increase your effort until you reach 30. You can then add one to two more push-ups to your daily routine until you reach your goal of thirty. It's easier to achieve your goals if you start small. Make sure you have a plan.