According to the report of American Cancer Society, above 1 million cases of skin cancer was diagnosed which might have been prevented by adopting suitable sun preventive behaviour. Sun rays are the primary cause of skin diseases and damage resulting in skin cancer.


To prevent this, appropriate application of the sunscreen retains pivotal significance but effective skin care requires extra efforts than simply employing a sunscreen lotion before going on the shore. By following these helpful tips, you can save your skin from the potential harm resulting from the harmful UV rays of sunlight and keep it healthy.

  • Use sunscreen even once you remain indoors: Most of these people have the false perception that staying inside save them from the effects of the dangerous sun rays and they don’t need sunscreen. This is wrong! The UVA rays of sunlight even penetrate through the windows and affect your immune system leading to a formation of wrinkles and age spots. So apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher even when you’re staying indoors.
  • Apply sunscreen on all the exposed parts of your body: Applying sunscreen on your face isn’t enough to save your skin from sun rays. It’s quite important that you apply sunscreen on the exposed regions of the body such as your hands, arms, lips, décolletage and ears. These regions are highly vulnerable to sun damage, immediately demonstrate the ageing indicators and can create melanomas (cancer tumour).
  • Water-resistant sunscreens aren’t water proof as promised: that the sunscreens claiming to be water-resistant or waterproof wear off after 20-30 minutes spend in water or if you sweat too. They also wear off when you rub a towel in your skin after swimming so does not be deceived by such claims. Reapply sunscreen after 30 minutes of swimming or bathing.
  • Make SPF sunscreen 30 or higher a very important element of your skincare regime: if the day is sunny or it that the sky is full of dark clouds, make a fantastic SPF 30 or higher an important part of your skincare regimen because even on a cloudy day, the 80 percent of UV sunlight can pass through the clouds.
  • Apply sunscreens at least 15 minutes before going outside: The sunscreens will need to be absorbed entirely into your skin for optimal protection. Therefore, apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before you depart for outdoors.
  • Check the ingredients list and select broad spectrum sunscreen: Always check the ingredients list of the sunscreens before purchasing. Look for the sunscreens using nitric oxide for providing UVA protection, PABA derivatives, salicylates or cinnamates for UVB protection and benzophenones (oxybenzone and sulisobenzone) for supplying shorter UVA wavelength protection. Also, be certain that the sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB radiations.
  • Avoid going out throughout the mid-day: Between 10 am and 4pm, the beams of the sun are strongest so stay away from direct exposure to sunlight rays in this period of time.
  • If your skin is sunburned don’t panic, seek help: don’t be panicked, if you’ve got the sunburn. The sunburned skin may be treated by using cooling moisturisers, OTC hydrocortisone creams, cooling tubs etc.. However, should you’re feeling cold or have the fever or a headache then you may also suffer from a heat stroke. In such a situation, seek immediate medical assistance.
  • Don’t rely on sunscreen alone: Sole use of sunscreen doesn’t mean that you’re completely protected from the harmful sun rays. Also, pair it with the sun protective clothes and accessories. There are many brands using special fabrics that provide sun protection. Additionally, wear lightweight, loose and long sleeved clothes together with wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and gloves for total sun protection.