Children are different from adults in many ways. One of these is they haven’t yet developed their immune system and this is why they are given essential vaccines from a young age. Additionally it is a known fact that young children are particularly vulnerable to illness during the chilly weather and flu seasons. All of us know that our kids come down with the common cold from time to time, but the fact remains that this really doesn’t need to occur because there are a whole lot of ways that we can prevent it.

Child’s immunity

The best way to stop your child from getting sick is to build up their immune system. Their immune system is their guard against illness and diseases, but many times it may end up being too much for them to handle at this early age. By helping them to fortify it, their chances of becoming sick with a cold or fever will be considerably reduced. You might be asking yourself,”How do I boost my child’s immune system?” The fact remains that you may even start doing this when your kid is still within your uterus by taking vitamins and eating the perfect foods that are crucial for the growth of your baby. Using this method, you’re boosting his immune system even before he’s born.

Once you give birth you may also boost it by breastfeeding him which will strengthen his immunity against diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, and even diabetes. As your child begins to get old, you can teach them the importance of eating healthy. Show them the appropriate foods that they need to eat to be able to develop healthy and fit and most of all, teach them to steer clear of junk food and other foods that don’t have any nutritional value.


It’s your responsibility as a parent to prepare healthful meals that are rich in fresh fruit, vegetables and other healthy foods which are good for brain, muscle and bone growth and most of their immune system. This won’t only stop your child from getting sick, it is going to stop them from becoming heavy and as all people know, that may result in a lot of health difficulties. Another thing that you could do is to teach your child the importance of proper hygiene since most children like to play outside which makes them an easy target for bacteria and other kinds of germs to attack them. Instruct them to wash their hands after playing outside and before and after eating their foods.

Make sure they bathe on a regular basis. Stress the importance of brushing their teeth three times daily, especially after meals. Most the diseases that hit kids are viral or bacterial in nature, so practicing good hygiene can help them to decrease their chances of getting sick. Sleep is also a significant element when it comes to strengthening your child’s immune system. Make sure they get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night. Studies have proven that lack of sleep in both adults and children has been associated with a range of medical issues.

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If your child doesn’t get enough sleep, their energy levels will be down compared to other children who get enough sleep. They ought to be in bed by 9 and they ought to also take a two hour nap in the day to make certain that their immune system is functioning correctly. Exercise together with sleep is most likely the most important element in maintaining your child’s immune system strong. Teaching your child to exercise will not just keep them from becoming heavy, it will also boost their immune system. Encourage them to take part in team sports or spend some time with them outside playing basketball. This will assist them to lead an active lifestyle. To begin with, you should set a great example in front of your kids and live a healthy lifestyle. Help prepare healthful meals and take the lead in exercises and most importantly, keep away from bad habits like drinking and smoking and most likely, your kids will follow in your footsteps.