HIV ehk inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viirus keskendub inimese immuunsüsteemile ja kahjustab seda süstemaatiliselt. Kui HIV jäetakse ravimata, ründab ta teatud tüüpi immuunrakke, T-rakke, mida nimetatakse CD4-rakkudeks. Aja jooksul muutub HIV tugevamaks ja selle pidev rünnak CD4-rakkudele põhjustab seejärel vähki ja muid sellega seotud infektsioone või haigusi. HIV hakkab kiiresti paljunema etapis, mida nimetatakse ägeda nakkuse staadiumiks, esimese paari päeva jooksul. Tavaliselt ei ilmne inimestel sel perioodil mingeid sümptomeid. Kuid näitajate dešifreerimine ja arusaamine, kas need on HIV-i tagajärjed, on püüdlik. Sümptomid...


This is because the symptoms are very similar to that of influenza or some other viruses. The intensity of the symptoms varies; they may come and go and last for days, and even weeks in some instances. For therapy, medical science has developed various antiviral medicines. However, since the virus coalesces itself into an individual’s DNA pattern, its removal hasn’t been seen up to now. This lifelong condition has been studied by many to develop a suitable and lifelong care.

However, this doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. Medical science has developed various treatments which make it feasible to live a long and protected life with the virus. The simple logic behind HIV medication or antiretroviral medication is stopping HIV from replicating and attacking the CD4 cells and, by an expansion, the immune system.

This not only lowers the risk of transmission, but also restricts the development of any complications. Many might feel that since HIV medicines aren’t a definitive cure, there’s absolutely no use for treatment. However, if left untreated, as stated previously, it may result in conditions like AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Furthermore, the continuous attack on one’s immune system significantly simplifies the ability to fight other diseases and infections. And thus, HIV medication that’s antiretroviral is essential.


It can make sure that you enjoy a life expectancy comparable to someone who doesn’t have HIV. Antiretroviral therapy can make certain you’ve got similar experiences and enjoy a life that’s just as wonderful for someone who does not have HIV. HIV medicines may also lower the risk of transmission.