Most of us have been advised that all of us have cancer cells in our own bodies. Despite our wonderful analytical tools, these cells need to multiply into a couple billion before they are discovered. When a person’s immune system is strong it may normally destroy the cells or prevent them from multiplying and forming tumors. So, what can you do to develop and maintain a strong immune system? A powerful immune system has a correct acid-akali balance.

Did you know?

Disease and illness thrive in an acidic environment. To test your acid-alkali-balance buy some nitrazine paper strips. Upon appearing put on strip in your mouth together with placing a strip under the first urine flow of the day. Compare the colour of your strips together with the graph of the back of the box. If you’re less than 6.5 pH start restoring your acid-akali-balance by forming the next new habits. Add freshly squeezed lemon into your water, tea, cooking and baking. Lemon helps restore and maintain your inner”climate” in a healthy pH.

Organic apple cider vinegar may be used in place of lemon in cooking and baking since is also. It’s also alkaline. Eat a diet that’s mainly whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables together with fresh meats that are fresh. Processed meats, foods, dairy products and simple carbohydrates are acidic foods.


You need protein to help your liver create an extremely important stess-fighter known as albumin, so select organic fresh meats but don’t make meat the “centre attraction” of your own meals. A good guideline for processed food ingredient listing is: if you can’t pronounce it – do not eat it! Besides a correct acid-alkali balance you need rest, lots of water, and little or no sugar and coffee to construct and maintain a strong immune system. Sleep is the bodies restoration system.

Additionally, sleep balances your hormone levels – and we girls know how significant that is, right? Proper hydration helps your body rid itself of toxins. Even necessary toxins like chemotherapy. All toxins are a burden to immune system and without proper hydration it won’t ever work optimally. Divide your body weight by two and that’s the minimum number of ounces of water you should drink every day. If the taste of water is less than desired due to drugs you’re on – add 1 oz of cranberry juice or lemon juice to every 8 oz. Caffeine and sugar are the two worst things for your immune system. Caffeine dehydrates you and robs you of your vitamins and minerals AND sugar so weakens your immune system which it needs to be categorized as food for cancer.

Immune system

The most important thing you can do to build your immune system is to remove corn syrup and processed (cane) sugar entirely from your diet. You may substitute agave, stevia, rice syrup and honey for corn syrup and cane sugar – but avoid artificial sweeteners which are more hazardous to your body. When your body has a lot of toxic burden from radiation or chemotherapy, your immune system becomes compromised. That’s the reason you can succumb to complications, infections and ailments you could normally fight off.


By not feeding your body foods that nourish cancer cells, these cells will starve. Remember – the major culprit is processed sugar. White refined flour comes in a close second along with processed meats and foods which have had hormones added. Conversely NOT eating these foods strengthens your immune system. Cancer could be a symptom of multiple immune deficiencies. Enlist the support of a friend to research potential genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors as well as your diet. Cancer cells can’t survive in an oxygenated environment. Keep this in mind next time you break a sweat when exercising.