The immune system protects us from germs, viruses and parasites which bombard our everyday lives. It will help to fight against infection and disease. It does this by identifying non-self itself. 70% of your immune system is on your gut. There are many constituents which make up our immune system. They’re the bone marrow, spleen, lymph system, thymus and the white and red blood cells.


The immune system can overreact and may attack the body’s own tissue. This is known as an’autoimmune reaction’. Conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are autoimmune disorders. Lowered immune function can also be linked to chronic fatigue, allergies, and parasite infections.

  • Eat loads of fresh vegetables and fruit. Good sources include carrots, beetroot, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and broccoli and peas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. Eat what you can raw, and gently steam the remainder.
  • Ensure diet is high in quality protein like poultry, quinoa, eggs, pulses, legumes or tofu. The body requires more protein as it’s under attack.
  • Eat essential fats in the shape of oily fish like salmon, trout and tuna. Try raw seeds and nuts as a snack too. These fats are critical for boosting immune function.
  • Consume wholegrains in the diet such as brown rice, oats, buckwheat, lentils and legumes.
  • Eat more freshly made sauces. They are easy to digest and contain plenty of nutrients.
  • Try vegetable juices like carrot, apple and ginger. These provide a powerhouse of vitamins A and C that are crucial for nourishing the immune system.
  • Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates like white bread, cakes, biscuits, chocolate as sugar depresses the immune system.
  • Reduce your consumption of saturated fats like red meat, complete dairy produce including milk, cheese, ice cream etc.. These also suppress the immune system.
  • Reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine that deplete immune boosting nutrients and are a burden on immune function.
  • Processed foods like ready meals, luncheon meats and specific soups. These may include high levels of sugar and preservatives that may weaken immunity.


A high-strength multi vitamin and mineral complex. A Probiotic to populate the gut with friendly bacteria. A green food supplement which comprises chlorella, spirulina, barley grass etc.. Green foods help boost immunity. The herb Echinachea supports the immune system. Fish oil is an integral element for powerful immunity.