When you daydream, you dream of a spectacular life you would like to live. You never look at the dream any other manner. Truthfully, the dream isn’t the fantasy. What happens when the dream is altered? My oldest son born with Cerebral Palsy. My dream of being a mom came true, but the dream was shattered.

Let’s start

First, I began to grieve as outlined in The Stages of Grief by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross known as The Stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. I didn’t go through these phases in order. Since I was mourning dream loss instead of a genuine death. This could explain why I drifted in and out of every stage and frequently revisited different phases. I’m not exactly certain why I didn’t. Nevertheless, what I heard from Dr. Kubler-Ross’s concept over 10 years after getting my sons’ diagnosis. These 5 ways helped me while I passed through every stage.

Now I wish to share them with you. Some research say singing enhances mood, reduce anxiety and some even say it boosts your immune system. So many inspiring songs helped me through the difficult times. Have you got a song that can help you through hard times? I truly wish Pharrell Wiliams was discovered earlier.

What to do?

Keeping a journal, not only journaling about your own experience. But adding gratitude is a significant key to finding and keeping up your happy. Additionally, it helps with adding meaningfulness to your own life. It keeps you focused on what is important. Social supports are vitally important. Are you aware this is the reason why women typically live longer than men? Well, wives living more than their husbands.

Communication! Talking helps reduce anxiety. Someone must have told this to all of my elementary school teachers! I had been talking so much to decrease the strain of those tests and pop quizzes. Outside of meeting with your girlfriends. A true support group can be quite beneficial. Meeting with other people who share exactly the same experience. Is a great non-therapeutic but cathartic method to decrease stress. Since support groups aren’t insurance based you can go at your own pace.

Final note

Moreover, you can build lifelong bonds. Personally, I wished I could have joined as a participant. Instead, I was a believer when I didn’t fully comprehend what I was going through at the moment. You may call it meditation, prayer or I’m resting my eyes. For me, this was definitely the most significant. Being a faith based individual and I needed what I had heard from scriptures to tales to quotations, to give me strength. I have a system called ASAP Always Say A Prayer! It is possible to overcome any dream and reduction together with music, journaling, meeting with friends, support groups and meditation or prayer. These techniques can lead you into positive thinking and foster a feeling of hope.