When protecting your precious vision you can never take for granted the value of being a educated consumer. From this viewpoint, it’s helpful to understand several expressions and terms used by nutritionists in describing ways which you can protect and preserve your precious vision.


Among the most frequently used terms which you’ve probably heard of in the area of nutrition is the term antioxidants. Therefore, here’s a definition of the term antioxidants, together with 2 ways they improve eye-health. Antioxidants are called any chemical that protects the body from oxidative stress. To put this into layman’s terms, antioxidants are like the body’s self-defense agents which help stop the damage of cells in the body caused by free radicals.

Free radicals in simple conditions are similar to the body’s enemy cells which attack its immune system by dividing healthy cells; an action that may result in diseases. Therefore, the use of antioxidants are similar to self sustaining agents that have the capacity to neutralize and protect the body from the cell destruction due to those enemy cells (free radicals).


Lutein is called a Carotenoid. Carotenoids are natural materials with healing properties that give plants their green, red or purple colors. Lutein is a significant Carotenoid that functions as a natural sun blocker thereby filtering out damaging U.V mild exposure to sunlight. The neutralizing effect of antioxidants in Lutein when coupled with zeaxanthin another antioxidant, extend to protecting the eyes from the damaging free radicals that can lower the risk and also slow the progress of Macular Degeneration. Most dark green leafy vegetables like Broccoli, Kale and Spinach are good sources of the antioxidant Lutein.


This antioxidant fights free radical damage that can cause the evolution of Cataracts. Due to the immune system boosting properties, in preventing cell damage in the process of aging,this vitamin prevents eye damage to the eyes which may lead to the development of cataracts. It is possible to get Vitamin C from Kiwis, Citrus fruits, papaya, and berries. Antioxidants are a useful nutritional aid in protecting and maintaining eye- health. By increasing our consumption of dark- green leafy fruits and vegetables, we can guarantee our vision health protection against the ravages of aging and the negative effects of free radicals to get healthy and stronger eyes.