With so much illness and disease everywhere you look, how do you keep from being another victim yourself or another statistic? A strong immune system can help. With a strong immune system, you may greatly reduce your likelihood of being a victim of a serious illness! Good immunity is the body’s key way of fighting infections.


There are germs, germs, and viruses on the planet we are living in that want to use us, our bodies, as their dwelling. A powerful immune system offers our own bodies defense and a means to fight off many bacteria and disease. With great immunity, we may have a solid defense against the two severe ailments, such as cancer, and mildly aggravating things like allergies and minor colds. It’s known that maintaining the ideal acid-alkaline equilibrium is desirable for optimal health.

You’re more likely to be ill if you’re too acid and sometimes you can make yourself more acidity by simply not paying very good attention to what you eat. Conversely, if you’re slightly alkaline, you’re most likely going to be healthier and you’ll be able to make yourself fuller by what you eat. So what are a few common-sense strategies which can help us stay healthy and ward off disease? Following the suggestions here really should not be hard, but it disturbs me that so many of us don’t use common sense when it comes to what they eat and how they live.

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  • Drink loads of water. Preferably the water will be processed and lots of nutritionists recommend that whatever you weigh, you eat half of that amount in oz. Otherwise, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 oz of water daily. And that is water, not coffee, soft drink, juice, or anything else!
  • Get a lot of sleep. Generally, at least 7 or 8 hours per night for adults is vital.
  • Eat a lot of green vegetables and consume fruit everyday.
  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Avoid sugar, such as artificial sweeteners.
  • Have little to no caffeine or alcohol.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • Exercise to reduce stress and to be more powerful.


Following the tips listed above can enable you to be more alkaline, and allow you to ward off the offenders that are looking to make you sick. You may be the one to take charge of your health. If you will need to generate a few changes in your eating habits and in your lifestyle, then take action! I believe you’ll find it to be well worthwhile in the long term.