Your body’s immune system is like a complex defense system which includes a fundamental intelligence and active patrolling soldiers. It has a critical role, and that’s to keep you alive and well and free of distress. Its machinery makes it possible to cure – anything from a disease to a potentially deadly slash by a tiger.

Defense method

This system of defense has been protecting individuals since the days of the cave man. The latter’s imaginary encounter with the tiger, immunity cells have been hurried in to heal the wound and the possible disease after can result from this. Newer health challenges that people face are modern diseases like hypertension, diabetes, all sorts of cancer – breast, lung, colon etc. and HIV and AIDS which directly assaults the immune system.

Immune function springs into action immediately from the time of birth. Your immunity is the vital thing that keeps you living on a moment -to -minute basis. The dying breathe may also be caused by the last collapse of the immune soldiers, if for example he succumbs to pneumonia or cancer. As you can see, it’s under continuous stress and needs your attention.

Did you know?

Physically, the immune system consists of a huge network of specialized cells and organs such as your lymphatic system, liver, thymus gland, spleen and bone marrow. So what are the techniques which you can use to maintain this remarkable machines working efficiently and effectively? Here are a few suggestions for healthy immunity working and wellbeing.

  • Be Alert and keep your eye on your stress levels.
  • Exercise for at least 3 to 4 times each week. Among the most popular ways to fortify the immune system is using health foods supplements.
  • Health supplements like bovine colostrum and transfer factor are popular examples of nutritional supplements that help encourage your immunity system. Their effectiveness is because of the fact that a people immune system is much less robust compared with these animal, and taking these supplements will substantially assist our immune systems.
  • Herbal remedies are also helpful. Grandmother’s wisdom teaches us to eat herbs and plants either as a preventative supplement and particularly useful when we are feeling unwell. The popular products are Astragalus, Cat’s Claw, Echinacea, Elderberry and Ginseng.