Disease takes many different forms, and may manifest in almost an infinite number of pathologies. Regardless, it has been established by many jurisdictions that virtually all disease manifests inside the gut. Upon considering this further, it’s not tough to comprehend why, since the gut is an area for removal, when elimination doesn’t happen as it should, poisonous compounds grow and over time lead to pathologies in the body.

Sabia que...

The bowel wasn’t intended to hold fecal matter for any length of time, when transit becomes any longer than about 24 hours, food stays begin to putrefy and expel poisonous toxins inside the gut, which are then quickly reabsorbed through the portal vein, where toxic compounds pass through the liver and into the body.

Over time the human body has adapted to our modern diet by recruiting more and more of their immune system to where it’s needed most to fight of pathogenic attack – as hard as it is to believe, food has become among the biggest threats to the modern day man! Over 80 percent of the body’s immune system currently resides in the gut, and is named Gut Associated Immune Tissue or GALT for short.

Ter em conta

The human anatomy has developed in reaction to changes which take place over long intervals. What’s occurred is that over the span of less than 100 years, we’ve moved from a diet consisting mostly of raw vegetables, legumes and fruits into a diet that’s mostly processed – including in no way, shape or form food which the body’s immune system recognizes. When we consume food that’s been processed, our immune system launches an attack against this invading mass – that is nothing short of being a problem in the long run, since it is the beginnings of an auto immune type disease.

When we say processed foods, we mean grains which have had their outer husks removed, fats which have been hydrogenated, sweeteners that don’t own a sugar base, etc.. This immune response even starts before the food mass strikes the lower aspects of the gut, but instead starts when we start to chew, as the human body has such intelligence it homeopathically intuits the character of the food and prepares the metabolic system accordingly.

Sistema imunitário

White blood cells, phagocytes, leucocytes and other immune markers pour to the digestive tract in preparation for what’s going to come. The immune system response could be circumvented by eating a healthy part of raw food prior to the cooked or processed food. Processed and cooked meals also depletes the body’s enzyme supplies in a much faster rate than could otherwise be used if the food were raw and organic.

From birth we are only provided with a finite quantity of enzymes to get us through life, so it is ideal to save these as much as you can. One thing for certain is that the body has a tremendous capability to regenerate itself if given the opportunity, but it goes without saying that we will need to work to make this happen. As stated previously, cleaning the gut and taking away the years of decay from inside it is most important.

It’s been reported in many cases whilst gut cleansing that items eaten long ago have been seen again. One girl reported half a crayon consumed 40 decades before coming out, and another who had not eaten peas over 25 years had been seen by them ! As an adjunct to the information given above, there’s a product in the marketplace place named Miracle Mineral Supplement, and is a really powerful tool whilst cleansing the body. This chemical is chlorine dioxide, and is an immeasurably strong parasite killer.