The demands of life now leave people everywhere plagued with anxiety. From hectic work schedules, a lack of sleep, reduced nutrients in diets, not drinking enough water, and the pressures of juggling family, lifestyle, and work, stress and stress related disorders are prevalent. Research proves precisely how serious stress is to the human body and how it’s the reason for numerous diseases.


It is one of the primary causes of heart disorders and people who have suffered heart attacks, the recommendation is to eliminate stress from their lives and adopt a”relaxed and more serene” existence. Although this advice sounds easy, for nearly all people, this advice is often more difficult to obtain than it sounds. Removing stress occasionally requires hard work, which often induces stress in itself. Life does not always offer us the benefits of eliminating all stress factors. If for instance, it’s your boss or co-worker that’s causing anxiety, one solution is to change jobs, but not all people have the choice to change jobs at whim.

It might be a hard knock like divorce which triggers the deep-rooted stress. This can’t be eliminated easily and requires going through the process of despair, and psychological and spiritual recovery. The great news is we do not have to put up with these causes of stress and its consequences, there’s a way out. There are plenty of measures open to you that can reduce the effects of stress on your life and help recover your sense of strength and control whilst bringing tranquility and calm. A well balanced diet and decreasing the amount of heavily processed and highly sweetened foods is one of the fundamental methods to decrease stress.

Comfort foods

These “Comfort Foods” like chocolate, candy, and fried fatty meals may bring temporary relief, but fill the body with waste that stresses your body . Your stress is both within your own body and from the external world. Now’s the time to cleanse your body, and be nourished with tons of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, together with drinking lots of water.

By improving your immune system you are going to have the health and energy required to take care of the stress and its origin instance, and prevent illness, which is often caused by an overly stressed system.


Handling stress is helped by bringing peace to your mind, body and soul by means of prayer and meditation. Using aromatherapy candles during calm times, whether meditating, praying, or reading a favourite book can work wonders for your sense of well-being. Some herbal aromas that are known for reducing stress and anxiety include Lavender, Lemon, Rose, Chamomile, Black Cohosh, Hops, Passionflower, and Valerian. Set aside 15 minutes each day, light your aromatherapy candles and revel in the moment.