Spending more time indoors lately? Many of us are now that it’s colder and darker, as it is here in the eastern US this time of year. Sounds smart, but it’s also a potential problem. Why? Cold and flu germs flourish when lots of people spend time indoors together. Artificial heating creates a perfectly cozy environment for uninvited microbial guests to spread.

Don’t worry

I’m not going to suggest toughing it out in the winter elements. We can’t deny the need to stay indoors when Mother Nature howls, but there are measures we can take to stay healthier this winter. 1) Build up your immune system by eliminating toxic overload. Everyday stresses take a toll on our bodies. It’s important counteract their effects. One way to boost your natural ability to fight off the germs that cause illness is to limit and remove toxins. Toxins weaken the immune system, making it more vulnerable to disease.

Processed foods, sugars, chemical residues from the environment, and mold and bacteria from heating systems are all possible culprits. They can all serve as that “last straw” that triggers breakdown in an already weakened immune system. Do-now fix: Try a quick, easy one-week food-based detox. A desire to take a break from the excesses of the recent holidays (Confession: I had way too much chocolate and french fries, too!) is enough to fuel my decision to start Detox Week.

How about you?

Time and again, my patients have affirmed what I observed myself, that eliminating toxins can set the stage for a stronger immune system that’s ready to fight battles on demand. Don’t wait until you’re fighting to put on your armor. Now–before you show the first signs of a sniffle or cough–is the time to make healthful food choices and add a few supplements to prevent immune system invaders from taking over. Fruits and vegetables, especially fresh ones, provide vitamins A, B, and E as well as flavonoids that work with vitamin C to keep your body armed and ready to fight germs. And don’t forget good proteins found in lean meats, eggs, and beans. They add iron, zinc, and amino acids that build the foundation for overall health.

Do-now fix

Boost your interest in wholesome foods by broadening the selection. Bored with winter fruits like apples and pears? I am! So, even though fresh, organic choices are preferable, this time of year I will also buy fast-frozen fruits and vegetables with no added ingredients. Beware especially of sauces like you find in frozen food entrees. Whenever possible, I also incorporate immunity-boosting shitake mushrooms and garlic in the ingredient list.

Go holistic

Chinese medicine, and acupuncture. The holistic world offers assistance for every step of the immunity fight. To prevent illness by boosting immune system function, there are many herbal ingredients (ginseng, astragalus, and echinacea, for instance) that you can add to your diet. Some Chinese medicine formulas are designed to be taken at the very first sign of illness, while others can be taken during a bout to help you recover faster. A qualified practitioner will help find the right formula for you and your condition. Do-now fix: January is the perfect time to come in for some preventive acupuncture. Comfortable and relaxing, acupuncture boosts energy and regulates the immune system.

In addition

I teach my patients to self-administer “acupressure-to-go” by stimulating known immune points for a few days of targeted reinforcement afterward. This treatment is especially effective in strengthening immune health before air travel. There you are: three ways to arm yourself against ills so common in winter. Why not take a moment now to strategize how you can incorporate them. The reward–a cool-weather season with fewer sick days and greater overall wellness–is worth the effort!